Module circuitgraph.utils

Various circuit related utilities.


Lint a circuit to check for unloaded nets

>>> import circuitgraph as cg
>>> c = cg.from_lib("c17")
>>> c.set_output("N22", False)
>>> cg.lint(c)
Expand source code
Various circuit related utilities.

Lint a circuit to check for unloaded nets

>>> import circuitgraph as cg
>>> c = cg.from_lib("c17")
>>> c.set_output("N22", False)
>>> cg.lint(c)

import shutil
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

from circuitgraph.circuit import supported_types
from import circuit_to_verilog

def visualize(c, output_file, suppress_output=True):
    Visualize a circuit using Yosys.

    c: Circuit
            Circuit to visualize.
    output_file: str
            Where to write the image to.
    suppress_output: bool
            If True, yosys stdout will not be printed.

    if shutil.which("yosys") is None:
        raise OSError("Install 'yosys' to use 'cg.visualize'")

    verilog = circuit_to_verilog(c)
    output_file = Path(output_file)
    fmt = output_file.suffix[1:]
    prefix = output_file.with_suffix("")
    if suppress_output:
        stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL
        stdout = None
    with NamedTemporaryFile(
        prefix="circuitgraph_synthesis_input", suffix=".v"
    ) as tmp_in:
        tmp_in.write(bytes(verilog, "ascii"))

        # Write dummy modules for blackboxes to show port directions
        for bb in set(c.blackboxes.values()):
            bb_verilog = (
                f"\n\nmodule {} ({','.join(bb.inputs() | bb.outputs())});\n"
            for i in bb.inputs():
                bb_verilog += f"  input {i};\n"
            for o in bb.outputs():
                bb_verilog += f"  output {o};\n"
            bb_verilog += "endmodule\n"
            tmp_in.write(bytes(bb_verilog, "ascii"))

        cmd = [
            f"read_verilog {}; "
            f"show -stretch -format {fmt} -prefix {prefix} {}",
        ], stdout=stdout, check=True)

    # Remove intermediate dot files if necessary
    if fmt != "dot":

def clog2(num):
    Return the ceiling log base two of an integer :math:`\ge 1`.

    Gives minimum dimension of a Boolean space with at least N points.

    Here are the values of ``clog2(N)`` for :math:`1 \le N < 18`:
    >>> [clog2(n) for n in range(1, 18)]
    [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5]

    This function is undefined for non-positive integers:
    >>> clog2(0)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: expected num >= 1

    if num < 1:
        raise ValueError("expected num >= 1")
    accum, shifter = 0, 1
    while num > shifter:
        shifter <<= 1
        accum += 1
    return accum

def int_to_bin(i, w, lend=False):
    Convert integer to binary tuple.

    i : int
            Integer to convert.
    w : int
            Width of conversion
    lend : bool
            Endianness of returned tuple, helpful for iterating.

    tuple of bool
            Binary tuple.

    if lend:
        return tuple(reversed(tuple(v == "1" for v in bin(i)[2:].zfill(w))))
    return tuple(v == "1" for v in bin(i)[2:].zfill(w))

def bin_to_int(b, lend=False):
    Convert binary number to integer.

    b : tuple of bool
            Binary tuple.
    lend : bool
            Endianness of tuple.

            Value as integer.

    if not lend:
        s = "".join("1" if v else "0" for v in b)
        s = "".join("1" if v else "0" for v in reversed(b))

    return int(s, 2)

def lint(c, fail_fast=True, unloaded=False, undriven=True, single_input_gates=False):
    Raise ValueError if circuit has invalid connections or types.

    c: Circuit
            The Circuit to lint.
    fail_fast: bool
            Exit after the first error.
    unloaded: bool
            Fail on unloaded node.
    undriven: bool
            Fail on undriven node.
    single_input_gates: bool
            Fail on multi-input gates with only a single input.

    errors = []

    def handle(s):
        if fail_fast:
            raise ValueError(s)

    zero_input_types = ["input", "0", "1", "bb_ouptut"]
    single_input_types = ["buf", "not", "bb_input"]
    multi_input_types = ["and", "nand", "or", "nor", "xor", "xnor"]
    for g in c.nodes():
        # check types
        if "type" not in c.graph.nodes[g]:
            handle(f"no type for node '{g}'")
        t = c.graph.nodes[g]["type"]
        if t not in supported_types:
            handle(f"node '{g}' has unsupported type '{t}'")
        if "." in g and g.split(".")[0] not in c.blackboxes:
            handle(f"node '{g}' has blackbox syntax with no instance")

        # input/constant drivers
        if c.type(g) in zero_input_types and len(c.fanin(g)) > 0:
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanin")

        # black-box output fanout
        if c.type(g) == "bb_output":
            if len(c.fanout(g)) > 1:
                handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanout greater than 1")
            if c.fanout(g) and c.type(c.fanout(g).pop()) != "buf":
                handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has non-buf fanout")

        # multiple drivers
        if c.type(g) in single_input_types and len(c.fanin(g)) > 1:
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanin count > 1")

        # no drivers
        if (
            and c.type(g) in single_input_types + multi_input_types
            and len(c.fanin(g)) < 1
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has no fanin")

        # single drivers
        if (
            and c.type(g) in multi_input_types
            and len(c.fanin(g)) < 2
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanin less than 2")

        # unloaded
        if unloaded and not c.is_output(g) and not c.fanout(g):
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has no fanout")

    # blackboxes
    for name, bb in c.blackboxes.items():
        for g in bb.inputs():
            if f"{name}.{g}" not in c.graph.nodes:
                handle(f"missing blackbox pin '{name}.{g}'")
                t = c.graph.nodes[f"{name}.{g}"]["type"]
                if t != "bb_input":
                    handle(f"blackbox pin '{name}.{g}' has incorrect type '{t}'")

        for g in bb.outputs():
            if f"{name}.{g}" not in c.graph.nodes:
                handle(f"missing blackbox pin '{name}.{g}'")
                t = c.graph.nodes[f"{name}.{g}"]["type"]
                if t != "bb_output":
                    handle(f"blackbox pin '{name}.{g}' has incorrect type '{t}'")

    if errors:
        msg = "f{len(errors}} total errors.\n"
        if len(errors) > 10:
            msg += "\n".join(errors[:10])
            msg += f"\nplus {len(errors) - 10} other errors..."
            msg += "\n".join(errors)
        raise ValueError(msg)


def bin_to_int(b, lend=False)

Convert binary number to integer.


b : tuple of bool
Binary tuple.
lend : bool
Endianness of tuple.


Value as integer.
Expand source code
def bin_to_int(b, lend=False):
    Convert binary number to integer.

    b : tuple of bool
            Binary tuple.
    lend : bool
            Endianness of tuple.

            Value as integer.

    if not lend:
        s = "".join("1" if v else "0" for v in b)
        s = "".join("1" if v else "0" for v in reversed(b))

    return int(s, 2)
def clog2(num)

Return the ceiling log base two of an integer :math:\ge 1.

Gives minimum dimension of a Boolean space with at least N points.


Here are the values of clog2()(N) for :math:1 \le N < 18:

>>> [clog2(n) for n in range(1, 18)]
[0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5]

This function is undefined for non-positive integers:

>>> clog2(0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: expected num >= 1
Expand source code
def clog2(num):
    Return the ceiling log base two of an integer :math:`\ge 1`.

    Gives minimum dimension of a Boolean space with at least N points.

    Here are the values of ``clog2(N)`` for :math:`1 \le N < 18`:
    >>> [clog2(n) for n in range(1, 18)]
    [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5]

    This function is undefined for non-positive integers:
    >>> clog2(0)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: expected num >= 1

    if num < 1:
        raise ValueError("expected num >= 1")
    accum, shifter = 0, 1
    while num > shifter:
        shifter <<= 1
        accum += 1
    return accum
def int_to_bin(i, w, lend=False)

Convert integer to binary tuple.


i : int
Integer to convert.
w : int
Width of conversion
lend : bool
Endianness of returned tuple, helpful for iterating.


tuple of bool
Binary tuple.
Expand source code
def int_to_bin(i, w, lend=False):
    Convert integer to binary tuple.

    i : int
            Integer to convert.
    w : int
            Width of conversion
    lend : bool
            Endianness of returned tuple, helpful for iterating.

    tuple of bool
            Binary tuple.

    if lend:
        return tuple(reversed(tuple(v == "1" for v in bin(i)[2:].zfill(w))))
    return tuple(v == "1" for v in bin(i)[2:].zfill(w))
def lint(c, fail_fast=True, unloaded=False, undriven=True, single_input_gates=False)

Raise ValueError if circuit has invalid connections or types.


c : Circuit
The Circuit to lint.
fail_fast : bool
Exit after the first error.
unloaded : bool
Fail on unloaded node.
undriven : bool
Fail on undriven node.
single_input_gates : bool
Fail on multi-input gates with only a single input.
Expand source code
def lint(c, fail_fast=True, unloaded=False, undriven=True, single_input_gates=False):
    Raise ValueError if circuit has invalid connections or types.

    c: Circuit
            The Circuit to lint.
    fail_fast: bool
            Exit after the first error.
    unloaded: bool
            Fail on unloaded node.
    undriven: bool
            Fail on undriven node.
    single_input_gates: bool
            Fail on multi-input gates with only a single input.

    errors = []

    def handle(s):
        if fail_fast:
            raise ValueError(s)

    zero_input_types = ["input", "0", "1", "bb_ouptut"]
    single_input_types = ["buf", "not", "bb_input"]
    multi_input_types = ["and", "nand", "or", "nor", "xor", "xnor"]
    for g in c.nodes():
        # check types
        if "type" not in c.graph.nodes[g]:
            handle(f"no type for node '{g}'")
        t = c.graph.nodes[g]["type"]
        if t not in supported_types:
            handle(f"node '{g}' has unsupported type '{t}'")
        if "." in g and g.split(".")[0] not in c.blackboxes:
            handle(f"node '{g}' has blackbox syntax with no instance")

        # input/constant drivers
        if c.type(g) in zero_input_types and len(c.fanin(g)) > 0:
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanin")

        # black-box output fanout
        if c.type(g) == "bb_output":
            if len(c.fanout(g)) > 1:
                handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanout greater than 1")
            if c.fanout(g) and c.type(c.fanout(g).pop()) != "buf":
                handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has non-buf fanout")

        # multiple drivers
        if c.type(g) in single_input_types and len(c.fanin(g)) > 1:
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanin count > 1")

        # no drivers
        if (
            and c.type(g) in single_input_types + multi_input_types
            and len(c.fanin(g)) < 1
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has no fanin")

        # single drivers
        if (
            and c.type(g) in multi_input_types
            and len(c.fanin(g)) < 2
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has fanin less than 2")

        # unloaded
        if unloaded and not c.is_output(g) and not c.fanout(g):
            handle(f"'{c.type(g)}' node '{g}' has no fanout")

    # blackboxes
    for name, bb in c.blackboxes.items():
        for g in bb.inputs():
            if f"{name}.{g}" not in c.graph.nodes:
                handle(f"missing blackbox pin '{name}.{g}'")
                t = c.graph.nodes[f"{name}.{g}"]["type"]
                if t != "bb_input":
                    handle(f"blackbox pin '{name}.{g}' has incorrect type '{t}'")

        for g in bb.outputs():
            if f"{name}.{g}" not in c.graph.nodes:
                handle(f"missing blackbox pin '{name}.{g}'")
                t = c.graph.nodes[f"{name}.{g}"]["type"]
                if t != "bb_output":
                    handle(f"blackbox pin '{name}.{g}' has incorrect type '{t}'")

    if errors:
        msg = "f{len(errors}} total errors.\n"
        if len(errors) > 10:
            msg += "\n".join(errors[:10])
            msg += f"\nplus {len(errors) - 10} other errors..."
            msg += "\n".join(errors)
        raise ValueError(msg)
def visualize(c, output_file, suppress_output=True)

Visualize a circuit using Yosys.


c : Circuit
Circuit to visualize.
output_file : str
Where to write the image to.
suppress_output : bool
If True, yosys stdout will not be printed.
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def visualize(c, output_file, suppress_output=True):
    Visualize a circuit using Yosys.

    c: Circuit
            Circuit to visualize.
    output_file: str
            Where to write the image to.
    suppress_output: bool
            If True, yosys stdout will not be printed.

    if shutil.which("yosys") is None:
        raise OSError("Install 'yosys' to use 'cg.visualize'")

    verilog = circuit_to_verilog(c)
    output_file = Path(output_file)
    fmt = output_file.suffix[1:]
    prefix = output_file.with_suffix("")
    if suppress_output:
        stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL
        stdout = None
    with NamedTemporaryFile(
        prefix="circuitgraph_synthesis_input", suffix=".v"
    ) as tmp_in:
        tmp_in.write(bytes(verilog, "ascii"))

        # Write dummy modules for blackboxes to show port directions
        for bb in set(c.blackboxes.values()):
            bb_verilog = (
                f"\n\nmodule {} ({','.join(bb.inputs() | bb.outputs())});\n"
            for i in bb.inputs():
                bb_verilog += f"  input {i};\n"
            for o in bb.outputs():
                bb_verilog += f"  output {o};\n"
            bb_verilog += "endmodule\n"
            tmp_in.write(bytes(bb_verilog, "ascii"))

        cmd = [
            f"read_verilog {}; "
            f"show -stretch -format {fmt} -prefix {prefix} {}",
        ], stdout=stdout, check=True)

    # Remove intermediate dot files if necessary
    if fmt != "dot":