Module logiclocking.locks

Apply logic locks to circuits.

Expand source code
"""Apply logic locks to circuits."""
import random
from itertools import product, zip_longest
from random import choice, choices, randint, sample, shuffle

import circuitgraph as cg
from pysat.card import CardEnc
from pysat.formula import IDPool
from pysat.solvers import Cadical

def trll(c, keylen, s1_s2_ratio=1, shuffle_key=True, seed=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with Truly Random Logic Locking.

    Limaye, E. Kalligeros, N. Karousos, I. G. Karybali and O. Sinanoglu,
    "Thwarting All Logic Locking Attacks: Dishonest Oracle With Truly Random
    Logic Locking," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
    Circuits and Systems, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1740-1753, Sept. 2021.

    c: circuitgraph.Circuit
            The circuit to lock.
    keylen: int
            The number of key bits to add.
    s1_s2_ratio: int or str
            The ratio between number of key gate locations locked where an
            inverter exists in the original design (s1) or where an inverter
            does not exist in the original design (s2). The paper leaves this
            value at 1 (meaning s1=s2=keylen/2), but they note that this
            could be adjusted based on the ratio of the locations where there
            is an inverter in the original netlist. Setting this parameter
            to the string "infer" will do this adjustment. I.e.
            s1 = keylen*r, s2 = keylen*(1-r), where r is the number of
            inverters in the circuit divided by the total number of gates.
    shuffle_key: bool
            By default, the key input labels are shuffled at the end of the
            algorithm so the labelling does not reveal which portion of the
            algorithm the key input was added during.
    seed: int
            Seed for the random selection of gates and shuffling of the key.

    circuitgraph.Circuit, dict of str:bool
            The locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input.

    rng = random.Random(seed)

    cl = c.copy()

    if keylen % 2 != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError
    if s1_s2_ratio == "infer":
        raise NotImplementedError

    s1 = int((keylen // 2) * s1_s2_ratio)
    if s1 > keylen:
        raise ValueError(f"Unusable s1_s2_ratio: {s1_s2_ratio}")
    s2 = keylen - s1

    s1a = rng.randint(0, s1)
    s1b = s1 - s1a

    s2a = rng.randint(0, s2)
    s2b = s2 - s2a

    inv_gates = list(c.filter_type("not"))
    rem_gates = list(
        - c.filter_type(("not", "bb_input", "bb_output", "0", "1", "x"))

    j = 0
    k = {}
    # Replace existing inv_gates with XOR key-gates
    for _ in range(s1a):
        sel_gate = inv_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = True
        cl.set_type(sel_gate, "xor")
        cl.connect(ki, sel_gate)
        j += 1

    # Add XOR key-gates before existing inv_gates
    for _ in range(s1b):
        sel_gate = inv_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = False
        inv_fanin = cl.fanin(sel_gate)
        assert len(inv_fanin) == 1
        cl.disconnect(inv_fanin, sel_gate)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{j}", "xor", fanin=inv_fanin | {ki}, fanout=sel_gate)
        j += 1

    # Add XOR key-gates and INV gates after existing rem_gates
    for _ in range(s2a):
        sel_gate = rem_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = True
        sel_fanout = cl.fanout(sel_gate)
        cl.disconnect(sel_gate, sel_fanout)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{j}", "xor", fanin=(sel_gate, ki))
        cl.add(f"key_inv_{j}", "not", fanin=f"key_gate_{j}", fanout=sel_fanout)
        j += 1

    # Add XOR key-gates after existing rem_gates
    for _ in range(s2b):
        sel_gate = rem_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = False
        sel_fanout = cl.fanout(sel_gate)
        cl.disconnect(sel_gate, sel_fanout)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{j}", "xor", fanin=(sel_gate, ki), fanout=sel_fanout)
        j += 1

    # Shuffle keys
    if shuffle_key:
        new_order = list(range(keylen))
        shuffled_k = {}
        intermediate_mapping = {}
        final_mapping = {}
        for old_idx, new_idx in enumerate(new_order):
            shuffled_k[f"key_{new_idx}"] = k[f"key_{old_idx}"]
            intermediate_mapping[f"key_{old_idx}"] = f"key_{old_idx}_temp"
            final_mapping[f"key_{old_idx}_temp"] = f"key_{new_idx}"
        return cl, shuffled_k
    return cl, k

def xor_lock(c, keylen, key_prefix="key_", replacement=False):
    Locks a circuitgraph with a random xor lock.

    J. A. Roy, F. Koushanfar and I. L. Markov, "Ending Piracy of Integrated
    Circuits," in Computer, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 30-38, Oct. 2010.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    keylen: int
            the number of bits in the key
    replacement: bool
            If True, the same line can be locked twice (resulting in a chain
            of key gates)

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # randomly select gates to lock
    if replacement:
        gates = choices(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), k=keylen)
        gates = sample(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), keylen)

    # insert key gates
    key = {}
    for i, gate in enumerate(gates):
        # select random key value
        key[f"{key_prefix}{i}"] = choice([True, False])

        # create xor/xnor,input
        gate_type = "xnor" if key[f"{key_prefix}{i}"] else "xor"
        fanout = cl.fanout(gate)
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{i}", gate_type, fanin=gate, fanout=fanout)
        cl.add(f"{key_prefix}{i}", "input", fanout=f"key_gate_{i}")

    return cl, key

def mux_lock(c, keylen, avoid_loops=False, key_prefix="key_"):
    Locks a circuitgraph with a mux lock.

    J. Rajendran et al., "Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption," in IEEE
    Transactions on Computers, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 410-424, Feb. 2015,
    doi: 10.1109/TC.2013.193.

    Note that a random mux selection is used, not fault-based.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    keylen: int
            the number of bits in the key.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # get 2:1 mux
    m = cg.logic.mux(2)

    # randomly select gates
    gates = sample(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), keylen)
    if avoid_loops:
        decoy_gates = set()
        decoy_gates = sample(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), keylen)

    # insert key gates
    key = {}
    for i, gate in enumerate(gates):
        # select random key value
        key_val = choice([True, False])

        if avoid_loops:
            decoy_gate = choice(
                    - set(gates)
                    - cl.transitive_fanout(gate)
                    - decoy_gates
            decoy_gate = decoy_gates[i]

        # create and connect mux
        fanout = cl.fanout(gate)
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"mux_{i}")
        cl.connect(f"mux_{i}_out", fanout)
        key_in = cl.add(f"{key_prefix}{i}", "input", fanout=f"mux_{i}_sel_0", uid=True)
        key[key_in] = key_val
        if key_val:
            cl.connect(gate, f"mux_{i}_in_1")
            cl.connect(decoy_gate, f"mux_{i}_in_0")
            cl.connect(gate, f"mux_{i}_in_0")
            cl.connect(decoy_gate, f"mux_{i}_in_1")

    if avoid_loops and cl.is_cyclic():
        raise ValueError("Locked circuit is cyclic")
    return cl, key

def random_lut_lock(c, num_gates, lut_width, gates=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph by replacing random gates with LUTs.

    This is kind of like applying LUT-lock with no replacement strategy.
    (H. Mardani Kamali, K. Zamiri Azar, K. Gaj, H. Homayoun and A. Sasan,
    "LUT-Lock: A Novel LUT-Based Logic Obfuscation for FPGA-Bitstream and
    ASIC-Hardware Protection," 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on
    VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, 2018, pp. 405-410.)

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    num_gates: int
            the number of gates to lock.
    lut_width: int
            LUT width, defines maximum fanin of locked gates.
    gates: list of str
            The gates to lock. If not provided, will be randomly sampled

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # parse mux
    m = cg.logic.mux(2 ** lut_width)

    # randomly select gates
    potential_gates = {g for g in cl.nodes() - if len(cl.fanin(g)) <= lut_width}
    if gates:
        if len(gates) != num_gates:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Got 'num_gates' of {num_gates} but length of "
                f"'gates' is {len(gates)}"
        if any(len(cl.fanin(g)) > lut_width for g in gates):
            raise ValueError("cannot lock a gate with fanin greater than " "lut_width")
        if any(g in for g in gates):
            raise ValueError("cannot lock an input/output gate")
        gates = sample(tuple(potential_gates), num_gates)
    potential_gates -= set(gates)
    potential_gates -= cl.transitive_fanout(gates)

    # insert key gates
    key = {}
    for i, gate in enumerate(gates):

        fanout = list(cl.fanout(gate))
        fanin = list(cl.fanin(gate))
            padding = sample(
                tuple(potential_gates - cl.fanin(gate)), lut_width - len(fanin)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("Could not find enough viable gates for padding") from e

        # create LUT
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"lut_{i}")

        # connect keys
        for j, vs in enumerate(product([False, True], repeat=len(fanin + padding))):
            assumptions = {
                s: v for s, v in zip(fanin + padding, vs[::-1]) if s in fanin
            key_in = cl.add(
                f"key_{i*2**lut_width+j}", "input", fanout=f"lut_{i}_in_{j}", uid=True
            result = cg.sat.solve(c, assumptions)
            if not result:
                key[key_in] = False
                key[key_in] = result[gate]

        # connect out
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.connect(f"lut_{i}_out", fanout)

        # connect sel
        for j, f in enumerate(fanin + padding):
            cl.connect(f, f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}")

        # delete gate
        cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {f"lut_{i}_out": gate})

    return cl, key

def lut_lock(
    Locks a circuitgraph with NB2-MO-HSC LUT-lock.

    H. Mardani Kamali, K. Zamiri Azar, K. Gaj, H. Homayoun and A. Sasan,
    "LUT-Lock: A Novel LUT-Based Logic Obfuscation for FPGA-Bitstream and
    ASIC-Hardware Protection," 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on
    VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, 2018, pp. 405-410.

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    num_gates: int
            The number of gates to lock.
    count_keys: bool
            If true, continue locking until at least `num_gates` keys are
            added instead of `num_gates` gates.
    skip_fi1: int
            If True, nodes with a fanin of 1 (i.e. buf or inv) will not
            be considered for locking.
    rank_by_shared_fanin: bool
            If True, the output with the least shared fanin with other outputs
            will be selected for locking first. By default, the output with
            the least amount of total fanin is selected for locking first.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

            if there are not enough viable gates to lock.

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    def calc_skew(gate, cl):
        d = {False: 0, True: 0}
        fanin = list(cl.fanin(gate))

        # create subcircuit containing just gate for simulation
        simc = cg.Circuit()
        for i in fanin:
            simc.add(i, "input")
        simc.add(gate, cl.type(gate), fanin=fanin)

        # simulate
        for i, vs in enumerate(product([False, True], repeat=len(fanin))):
            assumptions = dict(zip(fanin, vs[::-1]))
            result = cg.sat.solve(simc, assumptions)
            if not result:
                d[False] += 1
                d[result[gate]] += 1
        num_combos = 2 ** len(fanin)
        return abs(d[False] / num_combos - d[True] / num_combos)

    def replace_lut(gate, cl):
        key = {}
        m = cg.logic.mux(2 ** len(cl.fanin(gate)))
        fanout = list(cl.fanout(gate))
        fanin = list(cl.fanin(gate))

        # create LUT
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"lut_{gate}")

        # create subcircuit containing just gate for simulation
        simc = cg.Circuit()
        for i in fanin:
            simc.add(i, "input")
        simc.add(gate, cl.type(gate), fanin=fanin)

        # connect keys
        for i, vs in enumerate(product([False, True], repeat=len(fanin))):
            assumptions = dict(zip(fanin, vs[::-1]))
            cl.add(f"{key_prefix}{gate}_{i}", "input", fanout=f"lut_{gate}_in_{i}")
            result = cg.sat.solve(simc, assumptions)
            if not result:
                key[f"{key_prefix}{gate}_{i}"] = False
                key[f"{key_prefix}{gate}_{i}"] = result[gate]

        # connect out
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.connect(f"lut_{gate}_out", fanout)

        # connect sel
        for i, f in enumerate(fanin):
            cl.connect(f, f"lut_{gate}_sel_{i}")

        # delete gate
        return key, [f"lut_{gate}_{n}" for n in m.nodes()], f"lut_{gate}_out"

    def continue_locking(locked_gates, num_gates, keys, count_keys):
        if count_keys:
            return len(keys) < num_gates
        return locked_gates < num_gates

    locked_gates = 0
    outputs = list(cl.outputs())
    if rank_by_shared_fanin:

        def rank_output(x):
            other_outputs = [o for o in outputs if o != x]
            other_fanin = cl.transitive_fanin(other_outputs)
            curr_fanin = cl.transitive_fanin(x)
            return len(curr_fanin & other_fanin)


        def rank_output(x):
            return len(cl.transitive_fanin(x))

    candidates = []
    forbidden_nodes = set()
    keys = {}
    while continue_locking(locked_gates, num_gates, keys, count_keys):
        if not candidates:
            outputs = [o for o in outputs if o not in forbidden_nodes]
            except IndexError as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Ran out of candidate gates at " f"{locked_gates} gates."
                ) from e
            candidate = candidates.pop(0)
            candidate_is_output = cl.is_output(candidate)
            children = cl.fanin(candidate)
            if candidate in forbidden_nodes:
                candidates += [g for g in children if g not in forbidden_nodes]
            if len(children) == 0:
            if skip_fi1 and len(children) == 1:
                child = children.pop()
                if child not in forbidden_nodes | set(candidates):
                    candidates.insert(0, child)
            key, nodes, output_to_relabel = replace_lut(candidate, cl)
            cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {output_to_relabel: candidate})
            if candidate_is_output:
            for g1 in children:
                for g2 in cl.fanin(g1):
                    if g2 not in forbidden_nodes | set(candidates):
            # Sort by least number of outputs in fanout cone, then most skew
                key=lambda x: (
                    len(cl.transitive_fanout(x) & cl.outputs()),
                    -calc_skew(x, cl),
            locked_gates += 1

    return cl, keys

def tt_lock(c, width, target_output=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with TTLock.

    Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not
    functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted
    response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation
    vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure
    SAT attack resiliance.

    M. Yasin, A. Sengupta, B. Schafer, Y. Makris, O. Sinanoglu, and
    J. Rajendran, “What to Lock?: Functional and Parametric Locking,”
    in Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pp. 351–356, 2017.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
    target_output: str
            If defined, this output will be the one which is locked.
            Otherwise, a random output will be locked.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    if len(c.inputs()) < width:
        raise ValueError(f"Not enough inputs to lock with width '{width}'")

    if not target_output:
        target_output = random.choice(list(cl.outputs()))

    # get inputs to lock
    target_inputs = cl.startpoints(target_output)
    if len(target_inputs) < width:
        target_inputs |= set(
            random.sample(list(cl.inputs() - target_inputs), width - len(target_inputs))
    target_inputs = list(target_inputs)

    # create key
    key = {f"key_{i}": random.choice([True, False]) for i in range(width)}

    # connect comparators
    cl.add("flip_out", "and")
    cl.add("restore_out", "and")
    for i, inp in enumerate(random.sample(target_inputs, width)):
        cl.add(f"key_{i}", "input")
        cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}", "1" if key[f"key_{i}"] else "0")
        cl.add(f"restore_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"key_{i}", inp], fanout="restore_out")
            f"flip_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}", inp], fanout="flip_out"

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{target_output}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {target_output: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
        target_output, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True

    return cl, key

def tt_lock_sen(c, width, nsamples=10):
    Locks a circuitgraph with TTLock-Sen.

    Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi,
    “Sensitivity Analysis of Locked Circuits,” in
    Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
    (LPAR-23), pp. 483-497. EPiC Series in Computing 73, EasyChair.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # find output with large enough fanin
    potential_outs = [o for o in cl.outputs() if len(cl.startpoints(o)) >= width]
    if not potential_outs:
        raise ValueError(f"Not enough inputs to lock with width '{width}'")

    # find average sensitivities
    A = {}
    N = {}
    S = {}
    for o in potential_outs:
        # build sensitivity circuit
        s = cg.tx.sensitivity_transform(c, o)
        startpoints = c.startpoints(o)
        s_out = {o for o in s.outputs() if "difference" in o}

        # est avg sensitivity
        total = 0
        for i in range(nsamples):
            input_val = {i: randint(0, 1) for i in startpoints}
            model = cg.sat.solve(s, input_val)
            sen = sum(model[o] for o in s_out)
            total += sen
        A[o] = int(total / nsamples)
        N[o] = len(startpoints)
        S[o] = s

    # find output + input value with closest to avg sen
    def find_input():
        b = 0
        while b < max(N.values()):
            for o in potential_outs:
                upper = min(N[o], int(N[o] - A[o] + b))
                lower = max(0, int(N[o] - A[o] - b))
                us = cg.utils.int_to_bin(upper, cg.utils.clog2(N[o]))
                ls = cg.utils.int_to_bin(lower, cg.utils.clog2(N[o]))
                for sv in [us, ls]:
                    model = cg.sat.solve(
                        S[o], {f"sen_out_{i}": v for i, v in enumerate(sv)}
                    if model:
                        out = o
                        startpoints = c.startpoints(o)

                        key = {f"key_{i}": model[n] for i, n in enumerate(startpoints)}
                        return key, startpoints, out
            b += 1

    key, startpoints, out = find_input()

    # connect comparators
    cl.add("flip_out", "and")
    cl.add("restore_out", "and")
    for i, inp in enumerate(startpoints):
        cl.add(f"key_{i}", "input")
        cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}", "1" if key[f"key_{i}"] else "0")
        cl.add(f"restore_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"key_{i}", inp], fanout="restore_out")
            f"flip_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}", inp], fanout="flip_out"

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{out}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {out: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
    cl.add(out, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True)

    return cl, key

def sfll_hd(c, width, hd, target_output=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with SFLL-HD.

    Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not
    functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted
    response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation
    vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure
    SAT attack resiliance.

    Muhammad Yasin, Abhrajit Sengupta, Mohammed Thari Nabeel, Mohammed Ashraf,
    Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran, and Ozgur Sinanoglu. 2017. Provably-Secure
    Logic Locking: From Theory To Practice. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM
    SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’17).
    Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1601–1618.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            key width, also the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
    hd: int
            the hamming distance to lock with, as explained in the paper.
    target_output: str
            If defined, this output will be the one which is locked.
            Otherwise, a random output will be locked.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # parse popcount
    p = cg.logic.popcount(width)

    if len(c.inputs()) < width:
        raise ValueError(f"Not enough inputs to lock with width '{width}'")

    if not target_output:
        target_output = random.choice(list(cl.outputs()))

    # get inputs to lock
    target_inputs = cl.startpoints(target_output)
    if len(target_inputs) < width:
        target_inputs |= set(
            random.sample(list(cl.inputs() - target_inputs), width - len(target_inputs))
    target_inputs = list(target_inputs)

    # create key
    key = {f"key_{i}": random.choice([True, False]) for i in range(width)}

    # instantiate and connect hd circuits
    cl.add_subcircuit(p, "flip_pop")
    cl.add_subcircuit(p, "restore_pop")

    # connect inputs
    for i, inp in enumerate(random.sample(target_inputs, width)):
        cl.add(f"key_{i}", "input")
        cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}", "1" if key[f"key_{i}"] else "0")
        cl.add(f"restore_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"key_{i}", inp])
        cl.add(f"flip_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}", inp])
        cl.connect(f"flip_xor_{i}", f"flip_pop_in_{i}")
        cl.connect(f"restore_xor_{i}", f"restore_pop_in_{i}")

    # connect outputs
    cl.add("flip_out", "and")
    cl.add("restore_out", "and")
    for i, v in enumerate(format(hd, f"0{cg.utils.clog2(width)+1}b")[::-1]):
        cl.add(f"hd_{i}", v)
            fanin=[f"hd_{i}", f"restore_pop_out_{i}"],
            fanin=[f"hd_{i}", f"flip_pop_out_{i}"],

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{target_output}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {target_output: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
        target_output, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True

    return cl, key

def sfll_flex(c, width, n, target_output=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with SFLL-flex.

    Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not
    functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted
    response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation
    vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure
    SAT attack resiliance.

    Muhammad Yasin, Abhrajit Sengupta, Mohammed Thari Nabeel,
    Mohammed Ashraf, Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran, and Ozgur Sinanoglu. 2017.
    Provably-Secure Logic Locking: From Theory To Practice. In Proceedings of
    the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
    Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1601–1618.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
    n: int
            number of input patterns to lock.
    target_output: str
            If defined, this output will be the one which is locked.
            Otherwise, a random output will be locked.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    if not target_output:
        target_output = random.choice(list(cl.outputs()))

    # get inputs to lock
    target_inputs = cl.startpoints(target_output)
    if len(target_inputs) < width:
        target_inputs |= set(
            random.sample(list(cl.inputs() - target_inputs), width - len(target_inputs))
    target_inputs = list(target_inputs)

    # create key
    key = {f"key_{i}": choice([True, False]) for i in range(width * n)}

    # connect comparators
    cl.add("flip_out", "or")
    cl.add("restore_out", "or")

    for j in range(n):
        cl.add(f"flip_and_{j}", "and", fanout="flip_out")
        cl.add(f"restore_and_{j}", "and", fanout="restore_out")

    for i, inp in enumerate(random.sample(target_inputs, width)):
        for j in range(n):
            cl.add(f"key_{i+j*width}", "input")
            cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}_{j}", "1" if key[f"key_{i+j*width}"] else "0")
                fanin=[f"key_{i+j*width}", inp],
                fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}_{j}", inp],

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{target_output}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {target_output: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
        target_output, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True

    return cl, key

def _connect_banyan(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw):
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)
    for i in range(cg.utils.clog2(J)):
        r = J / (2 ** i)
        for j in range(J):
            t = (j % r) >= (r / 2)
            # straight
            out_i = int((i * bw) + (2 * j) + t)
            in_i = int((i * bw + bw) + (2 * j) + t)
            cl.connect(swb_outs[out_i], swb_ins[in_i])

            # cross
            out_i = int((i * bw) + (2 * j) + (1 - t) + ((r - 1) * ((1 - t) * 2 - 1)))
            in_i = int((i * bw + bw) + (2 * j) + (1 - t))
            cl.connect(swb_outs[out_i], swb_ins[in_i])

            if r > 2:
                # straight
                out_i = int(((I * J * 2) - ((2 + i) * bw)) + (2 * j) + t)
                in_i = int(((I * J * 2) - ((1 + i) * bw)) + (2 * j) + t)
                cl.connect(swb_outs[out_i], swb_ins[in_i])

                # cross
                out_i = int(
                    ((I * J * 2) - ((2 + i) * bw))
                    + (2 * j)
                    + (1 - t)
                    + ((r - 1) * ((1 - t) * 2 - 1))
                in_i = int(((I * J * 2) - ((1 + i) * bw)) + (2 * j) + (1 - t))
                cl.connect(swb_outs[out_i], swb_ins[in_i])

def _connect_banyan_bb(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw):
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)
    for i in range(cg.utils.clog2(J)):
        r = J / (2 ** i)
        for j in range(J):
            t = (j % r) >= (r / 2)
            # straight
            out_i = int((i * bw) + (2 * j) + t)
            in_i = int((i * bw + bw) + (2 * j) + t)

            # cross
            out_i = int((i * bw) + (2 * j) + (1 - t) + ((r - 1) * ((1 - t) * 2 - 1)))
            in_i = int((i * bw + bw) + (2 * j) + (1 - t))
                f"swb_{i}_{j}_cross", "buf", fanin=swb_outs[out_i], fanout=swb_ins[in_i]

            if r > 2:
                # straight
                out_i = int(((I * J * 2) - ((2 + i) * bw)) + (2 * j) + t)
                in_i = int(((I * J * 2) - ((1 + i) * bw)) + (2 * j) + t)

                # cross
                out_i = int(
                    ((I * J * 2) - ((2 + i) * bw))
                    + (2 * j)
                    + (1 - t)
                    + ((r - 1) * ((1 - t) * 2 - 1))
                in_i = int(((I * J * 2) - ((1 + i) * bw)) + (2 * j) + (1 - t))

def full_lock(c, bw, lw, avoid_loops=False):
    Locks a circuitgraph with Full-Lock.

    Hadi Mardani Kamali, Kimia Zamiri Azar, Houman Homayoun,
    and Avesta Sasan. 2019. Full-Lock: Hard Distributions of SAT instances
    for Obfuscating Circuits using Fully Configurable Logic and Routing
    Blocks. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference
    2019. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    banyan_width: int
            Width of Banyan network to use, must follow bw = 2**n, n>1.
    lut_width: int
            Width to use for inserted LUTs, must evenly divide bw.
    avoid_loops: bool
            If True, gates fed by the Banyan network will be selected
            such that they do not cause combinational loops.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # lock with luts
    if avoid_loops:
        gates = []
        potential_gates = {g for g in c.nodes() - if len(c.fanin(g)) <= lw}
        for _ in range(int(bw / lw)):
            potential_gates -= c.transitive_fanin(gates[-1])
            potential_gates -= c.transitive_fanout(gates[-1])
            if not potential_gates:
                raise ValueError("Could not find enough gates to make " "acyclic lock")
        cl, key = random_lut_lock(c, int(bw / lw), lw, gates=gates)
        cl, key = random_lut_lock(c, int(bw / lw), lw)

    # generate switch
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m1")
    s.add("in_0", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_0", "m1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_1", "m1_in_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "xor", fanin="m0_out")
    s.add("out_1", "xor", fanin="m1_out")
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m0_sel_0", "m1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_1", "input", fanout="out_0")
    s.add("key_2", "input", fanout="out_1")

    # generate banyan
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)

    # add switches
    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.add_subcircuit(s, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}_in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}_out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # get banyan io
    net_ins = swb_ins[:bw]
    net_outs = swb_outs[-bw:]

    # generate key
    for i in range(I * J):
        for j in range(3):
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_{j}"] = choice([True, False])

    # get banyan mapping
    mapping = {}
    polarity = {}
    orig_result = cg.sat.solve(cl, {**{n: False for n in net_ins}, **key})
    for net_in in net_ins:
        result = cg.sat.solve(cl, {**{n: n == net_in for n in net_ins}, **key})
        for net_out in net_outs:
            if result[net_out] != orig_result[net_out]:
                mapping[net_in] = net_out
                polarity[net_in] = result[net_out]

    # connect banyan io to luts
    for i in range(int(bw / lw)):
        for j in range(lw):
            driver = cl.fanin(f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}").pop()
            cl.disconnect(driver, f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}")
            net_in = net_ins[i * lw + j]
            cl.connect(mapping[net_in], f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}")
            if not polarity[net_in]:
                driver = cl.add(f"not_{net_in}", "not", fanin=driver)
            cl.connect(driver, net_in)

    for k in key:
        cl.set_type(k, "input")

    if avoid_loops and cl.is_cyclic():
        raise ValueError("Locked circuit is cyclic")
    return cl, key

def full_lock_mux(c, bw, lw):
    Locks a circuitgraph with a muxed-based model of Full-Lock.

    Uses muxes instead of the Banyan network, a relaxation that breaks symmetry
    and simplifies the model substantially.

    Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi
    Modeling Techniques for Logic Locking. In Proceedings
    of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design 2020 (ICCAD-39).

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    banyan_width: int
            Width of Banyan network to use, must follow bw = 2**n, n>1.
    lut_width: int
            Width to use for inserted LUTs, must evenly divide bw.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # first generate banyan, to get a valid mapping for the key
    b = cg.Circuit()

    # generate switch
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m1")
    s.add("in_0", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_0", "m1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_1", "m1_in_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "xor", fanin="m0_out")
    s.add("out_1", "xor", fanin="m1_out")
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m0_sel_0", "m1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_1", "input", fanout="out_0")
    s.add("key_2", "input", fanout="out_1")

    # generate banyan
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)

    # add switches
    for i in range(I * J):
        b.add_subcircuit(s, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}_in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}_out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan(b, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # get banyan io
    net_ins = swb_ins[:bw]
    net_outs = swb_outs[-bw:]

    # generate key
    key = {}
    for i in range(I * J):
        for j in range(3):
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_{j}"] = choice([True, False])

    # get banyan mapping
    mapping = {}
    polarity = {}
    orig_result = cg.sat.solve(b, {**{n: False for n in net_ins}, **key})
    for net_in in net_ins:
        result = cg.sat.solve(
            b, {**{n: False if n != net_in else True for n in net_ins}, **key}
        for net_out in net_outs:
            if result[net_out] != orig_result[net_out]:
                mapping[net_in] = net_out
                polarity[net_in] = result[net_out]

    # lock with luts
    cl, key = random_lut_lock(c, int(bw / lw), lw)

    # generate mux
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(bw))

    # add muxes and xors
    banyan_to_mux = {}
    for i in range(bw):
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"mux_{i}")
        for b in range(cg.utils.clog2(bw)):
            cl.add(f"key_{i}_{b}", "input", fanout=f"mux_{i}_sel_{b}")
        cl.add(f"mux_{i}_xor", "xor", fanin=f"mux_{i}_out")
        cl.add(f"key_{i}_{cg.utils.clog2(bw)}", "input", fanout=f"mux_{i}_xor")
        banyan_to_mux[net_outs[i]] = f"mux_{i}_xor"

    # connect muxes to luts
    for i in range(bw):
        net_in = net_ins[i]
        xor = banyan_to_mux[mapping[net_in]]
        o = int(xor.split("_")[1])

        driver = cl.fanin(f"lut_{i//lw}_sel_{i%lw}").pop()
        cl.disconnect(driver, f"lut_{i//lw}_sel_{i%lw}")

        if not polarity[net_in]:
            driver = cl.add(f"not_{net_in}", "not", fanin=driver)
            key[f"key_{o}_{cg.utils.clog2(bw)}"] = True
            key[f"key_{o}_{cg.utils.clog2(bw)}"] = False

        for b in range(bw):
            cl.connect(driver, f"mux_{b}_in_{i}")

        cl.connect(xor, f"lut_{i//lw}_sel_{i%lw}")
        for b, v in enumerate(cg.utils.int_to_bin(i, cg.utils.clog2(bw), True)):
            key[f"key_{o}_{b}"] = v

    return cl, key

def inter_lock(c, bw, reduced_swb=False):
    Locks a circuitgraph with InterLock.

    Kamali, Hadi Mardani, Kimia Zamiri Azar, Houman Homayoun, and Avesta Sasan.
    "Interlock: An intercorrelated logic and routing locking."
    In 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD),
    pp. 1-9. IEEE, 2020.

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    bw: int
            The size of the keyed rounting block. A bw of m results
            in an m x m sized KeyRB.
    reduced_swb: bool
            If True, each switchbox is reduced from 3 keys to 1 key due to the fact
            that for 100% utilization, the other 2 keys will never be used. Essentially,
            the muxes at the output of the switchbox are removed.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    cl = c.copy()

    # generate switch
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m1")
    s.add("in_0", "input", fanout=["m0_in_0", "m1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "input", fanout=["m0_in_1", "m1_in_0"])
    s.add("ex_in_0", "input")
    s.add("ex_in_1", "input")
    # f1 and f2 starts as 'and' gates, must be updated later
    s.add("f1_out", "and", fanin=["m0_out", "ex_in_0"])
    s.add("f2_out", "and", fanin=["m1_out", "ex_in_1"])
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m0_sel_0", "m1_sel_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "buf", output=True)
    s.add("out_1", "buf", output=True)
    if not reduced_swb:
        s.add_subcircuit(m, "m2")
        s.add_subcircuit(m, "m3")
        s.add("key_1", "input", fanout="m2_sel_0")
        s.add("key_2", "input", fanout="m3_sel_0")
        s.connect("f1_out", "m2_in_0")
        s.connect("f2_out", "m3_in_1")
        s.connect("m0_out", "m3_in_0")
        s.connect("m1_out", "m2_in_1")
        s.connect("m2_out", "out_0")
        s.connect("m3_out", "out_1")
        s.connect("f1_out", "out_0")
        s.connect("f2_out", "out_1")

    sbb_inputs = ["in_0", "in_1", "ex_in_0", "ex_in_1", "key_0"]
    if not reduced_swb:
        sbb_inputs += ["key_1", "key_2"]
    sbb = cg.BlackBox("switch", sbb_inputs, ["out_0", "out_1"],)

    # Select paths to embed in the routing network
    path_length = 2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2
    paths = []

    filtered_gates = set()

    def filter_gate(n):
        gate = n
        gates = [n]
        for _ in range(path_length):
            if (
                len(cl.fanin(gate)) != 2
                or len(cl.fanout(gate)) != 1
                or cl.is_output(gate)
                or gate in filtered_gates
                or len(cl.fanin(gate) & filtered_gates) > 0
                or len(cl.fanout(gate) & filtered_gates) > 0
                return False
            gate = cl.fanout(gate).pop()
        for gate in gates:
        return True

    candidate_gates = filter(filter_gate, cl.nodes())
    for _ in range(bw):
            gate = next(candidate_gates)
        except StopIteration as e:
            raise ValueError("Not enough candidate gates found for locking") from e
        path = [gate]
        for _ in range(path_length - 1):
            gate = cl.fanout(gate).pop()

    # generate banyan with J rows and I columns of SwBs
    I = path_length
    J = int(bw / 2)

    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.add_blackbox(sbb, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}.in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}.out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan_bb(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # generate key
    # In the example from the paper, the paths in a SWB directly from an
    # input to an output are never used. Starting with that implemetation.
    # Could sometimes choose paths less than `path_length` and use these
    # connections with a decoy external input, but such a strategy is not
    # discussed in the paper.
    swaps = []
    key = {}
    for i in range(I * J):
        swaps.append(choice([True, False]))
        if swaps[-1]:
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_0"] = True
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_0"] = False
        if not reduced_swb:
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_1"] = False
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_2"] = True

    f_gates = {}

    # Add paths to banyan
    # Get a random intial ordering of paths
    input_order = list(range(bw))
    for i, p_idx in enumerate(input_order):
        path = paths[p_idx]
        swb_idx = i // 2
        i_idx = i % 2
        prev_node = cl.fanin(path[0]).pop()
        cl.connect(prev_node, f"swb_{swb_idx}.in_{i_idx}")
        for j, n in enumerate(path):
            o_idx = i_idx ^ int(swaps[swb_idx])
            ex_i = (cl.fanin(n) - {prev_node}).pop()
            cl.connect(ex_i, f"swb_{swb_idx}.ex_in_{o_idx}")
            f_gates[f"swb_{swb_idx}_f{o_idx+1}_out"] = cl.type(n)
            if j != len(path) - 1:
                next_n = cl.fanout(f"swb_{swb_idx}.out_{o_idx}").pop()
                next_n = cl.fanout(next_n).pop()
                swb_idx = int(next_n.split(".")[0].split("_")[-1])
                i_idx = int(next_n.split(".")[-1].split("_")[-1])
                prev_node = n
                for fo in cl.fanout(n):
                    cl.disconnect(n, fo)
                        conn = cl.fanout(f"swb_{swb_idx}.out_{o_idx}").pop()
                    except KeyError:
                        conn = cl.add(
                    cl.connect(conn, fo)

    for path in paths:
        for node in path:

    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.fill_blackbox(f"swb_{i}", s)

    for k, v in f_gates.items():
        cl.set_type(k, v)

    for k in key:
        cl.set_type(k, "input")

    return cl, key

def lebl(c, bw, ng):
    Locks a circuitgraph with Logic-Enhanced Banyan Locking.

    Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi Modeling Techniques
    for Logic Locking. In Proceedings of the International Conference on
    Computer Aided Design 2020 (ICCAD-39).

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    bw: int
            Width of Banyan network.
    lw: int
            Minimum number of gates mapped to network.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # generate switch and mux
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    m2 = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s.add_subcircuit(m2, "m2_0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m2, "m2_1")
    m4 = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(4))
    s.add_subcircuit(m4, "m4_0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m4, "m4_1")
    s.add("in_0", "buf", fanout=["m2_0_in_0", "m2_1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "buf", fanout=["m2_0_in_1", "m2_1_in_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "buf", fanin="m4_0_out")
    s.add("out_1", "buf", fanin="m4_1_out")
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m2_0_sel_0", "m2_1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_1", "input", fanout=["m4_0_sel_0", "m4_1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_2", "input", fanout=["m4_0_sel_1", "m4_1_sel_1"])

    # generate banyan
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)

    # add switches and muxes
    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.add_subcircuit(s, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}_in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}_out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # get banyan io
    net_ins = swb_ins[:bw]
    net_outs = swb_outs[-bw:]

    # generate key
    key = {f"swb_{i//3}_key_{i%3}": choice([True, False]) for i in range(3 * I * J)}

    # generate connections between banyan nodes
    bfi = {n: set() for n in swb_outs + net_ins}
    bfo = {n: set() for n in swb_outs + net_ins}
    for n in swb_outs + net_ins:
        if cl.fanout(n):
            fo_node = cl.fanout(n).pop()
            swb_i = fo_node.split("_")[1]

    # find a mapping of circuit onto banyan
    net_map = IDPool()
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        for cn in c:

    # mapping implications
    clauses = []
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        # fanin
        if bfi[bn]:
            for cn in c:
                if c.fanin(cn):
                    for fcn in c.fanin(cn):
                        clause = ["m_{bn}_{cn}")]
                        clause += ["m_{fbn}_{fcn}") for fbn in bfi[bn]]
                        clause += ["m_{fbn}_{cn}") for fbn in bfi[bn]]
                    clause = ["m_{bn}_{cn}")]
                    clause += ["m_{fbn}_{cn}") for fbn in bfi[bn]]

        # fanout
        if bfo[bn]:
            for cn in c:
                clause = ["m_{bn}_{cn}")]
                clause += ["m_{fbn}_{cn}") for fbn in bfo[bn]]
                for fcn in c.fanout(cn):
                    clause += ["m_{fbn}_{fcn}") for fbn in bfo[bn]]

    # no feed through
    for cn in c:"INPUT_OR_{cn}")"OUTPUT_OR_{cn}")
            + ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for bn in net_ins]
            + ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for bn in net_outs]
        for bn in net_ins:
        for bn in net_outs:

    # at least ngates
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:"NGATES_OR_{bn}")
            ["NGATES_OR_{bn}")] + ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for cn in c]
        for cn in c:
    clauses += CardEnc.atleast(
        lits=["NGATES_OR_{bn}") for bn in swb_outs + net_ins],

    # at most one mapping per out
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        clauses += CardEnc.atmost(
            lits=["m_{bn}_{cn}") for cn in c], vpool=net_map

    # limit number of times a gate is mapped to net outputs to fanout of gate
    for cn in c:
        lits = ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for bn in net_outs]
        bound = len(c.fanout(cn))
        if len(lits) < bound:
        clauses += CardEnc.atmost(bound=bound, lits=lits, vpool=net_map).clauses

    # prohibit outputs from net
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        for cn in c.outputs():
            clauses += [["m_{bn}_{cn}")]]

    # solve
    solver = Cadical(bootstrap_with=clauses)
    if not solver.solve():
        raise ValueError(f"No config for width '{bw}'")
    model = solver.get_model()

    # get mapping
    mapping = {}
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        selected_gates = [cn for cn in c if model["m_{bn}_{cn}") - 1] > 0]
        if len(selected_gates) > 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Multiple gates mapped to '{bn}'")
        mapping[bn] = selected_gates[0] if selected_gates else None

    potential_net_fanins = list(
        - (c.endpoints() | set(mapping.values()) | mapping.keys() | c.startpoints())

    # connect net inputs
    for bn in net_ins:
        if mapping[bn]:
            cl.connect(mapping[bn], bn)
            cl.connect(choice(potential_net_fanins), bn)
    mapping.update({cl.fanin(bn).pop(): cl.fanin(bn).pop() for bn in net_ins})
    potential_net_fanouts = list(
        - (c.startpoints() | set(mapping.values()) | mapping.keys() | c.endpoints())

    # selected_fo = {}

    # connect switch boxes
    for i, bn in enumerate(swb_outs):
        # get keys
        if key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 3
        elif not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 2
        elif key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 1
        elif not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 0
        switch_key = 1 if key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_0"] == 1 else 0

        mux_input = f"swb_{i//2}_m4_{i%2}_in_{k}"

        # connect inner nodes
        mux_gate_types = set()

        # constant output, hookup to a node that is already in the affected outputs
        # fanin, not in others
        if not mapping[bn] and bn in net_outs:
            decoy_fanout_gate = choice(potential_net_fanouts)
            # selected_fo[bn] = decoy_fanout_gate
            if cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["and", "nand"]:
                cl.set_type(mux_input, "1")
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["or", "nor", "xor", "xnor"]:
                cl.set_type(mux_input, "0")
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["buf"]:
                if randint(0, 1):
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "1")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["and", "xnor"]))
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "0")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["or", "xor"]))
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["not"]:
                if randint(0, 1):
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "1")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["nand", "xor"]))
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "0")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["nor", "xnor"]))
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["0", "1"]:
                cl.set_type(mux_input, cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate))
                cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, "buf")
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid gate type '{cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate)}'")
            cl.connect(bn, decoy_fanout_gate)

        # feedthrough
        elif mapping[bn] in [mapping[fbn] for fbn in bfi[bn]]:
            cl.set_type(mux_input, "buf")
            if mapping[cl.fanin(f"swb_{i//2}_in_0").pop()] == mapping[bn]:
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{switch_key}_out", mux_input)
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{1-switch_key}_out", mux_input)

        # gate
        elif mapping[bn]:
            cl.set_type(mux_input, cl.type(mapping[bn]))
            gfi = cl.fanin(mapping[bn])
            if mapping[cl.fanin(f"swb_{i//2}_in_0").pop()] in gfi:
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{switch_key}_out", mux_input)
            if mapping[cl.fanin(f"swb_{i//2}_in_1").pop()] in gfi:
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{1-switch_key}_out", mux_input)

        # mapped to None, any key works
            k = None

        # fill out random gates
        for j in range(4):
            if j != k:
                t = choice(
                        - mux_gate_types
                mux_input = f"swb_{i//2}_m4_{i%2}_in_{j}"
                cl.set_type(mux_input, t)
                if t in ("not", "buf"):
                    # pick a random fanin
                    cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{randint(0,1)}_out", mux_input)
                elif t in ("0", "1"):
                    cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_0_out", mux_input)
                    cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_1_out", mux_input)

    # connect outputs non constant outs
    rev_mapping = {}
    for bn in net_outs:
        if mapping[bn]:
            if mapping[bn] not in rev_mapping:
                rev_mapping[mapping[bn]] = set()

    for cn, val in rev_mapping.items():
        for fcn, bn in zip_longest(cl.fanout(cn), val, fillvalue=list(val)[0]):
            cl.connect(bn, fcn)

    # delete mapped gates
    deleted = True
    while deleted:
        deleted = False
        for n in cl.nodes():
            # node and all fanout are in the net
            if n not in mapping and n in mapping.values():
                if all(
                    s not in mapping and s in mapping.values() for s in cl.fanout(n)
                    deleted = True
            # node in net fanout
            if n in [mapping[o] for o in net_outs] and n in cl:
                deleted = True

    for k in key:
        cl.set_type(k, "input")

    return cl, key


def full_lock(c, bw, lw, avoid_loops=False)

Locks a circuitgraph with Full-Lock.

Hadi Mardani Kamali, Kimia Zamiri Azar, Houman Homayoun, and Avesta Sasan. 2019. Full-Lock: Hard Distributions of SAT instances for Obfuscating Circuits using Fully Configurable Logic and Routing Blocks. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference 2019. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.


circuit : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
banyan_width : int
Width of Banyan network to use, must follow bw = 2**n, n>1.
lut_width : int
Width to use for inserted LUTs, must evenly divide bw.
avoid_loops : bool
If True, gates fed by the Banyan network will be selected such that they do not cause combinational loops.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def full_lock(c, bw, lw, avoid_loops=False):
    Locks a circuitgraph with Full-Lock.

    Hadi Mardani Kamali, Kimia Zamiri Azar, Houman Homayoun,
    and Avesta Sasan. 2019. Full-Lock: Hard Distributions of SAT instances
    for Obfuscating Circuits using Fully Configurable Logic and Routing
    Blocks. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Design Automation Conference
    2019. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA.

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    banyan_width: int
            Width of Banyan network to use, must follow bw = 2**n, n>1.
    lut_width: int
            Width to use for inserted LUTs, must evenly divide bw.
    avoid_loops: bool
            If True, gates fed by the Banyan network will be selected
            such that they do not cause combinational loops.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # lock with luts
    if avoid_loops:
        gates = []
        potential_gates = {g for g in c.nodes() - if len(c.fanin(g)) <= lw}
        for _ in range(int(bw / lw)):
            potential_gates -= c.transitive_fanin(gates[-1])
            potential_gates -= c.transitive_fanout(gates[-1])
            if not potential_gates:
                raise ValueError("Could not find enough gates to make " "acyclic lock")
        cl, key = random_lut_lock(c, int(bw / lw), lw, gates=gates)
        cl, key = random_lut_lock(c, int(bw / lw), lw)

    # generate switch
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m1")
    s.add("in_0", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_0", "m1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_1", "m1_in_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "xor", fanin="m0_out")
    s.add("out_1", "xor", fanin="m1_out")
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m0_sel_0", "m1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_1", "input", fanout="out_0")
    s.add("key_2", "input", fanout="out_1")

    # generate banyan
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)

    # add switches
    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.add_subcircuit(s, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}_in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}_out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # get banyan io
    net_ins = swb_ins[:bw]
    net_outs = swb_outs[-bw:]

    # generate key
    for i in range(I * J):
        for j in range(3):
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_{j}"] = choice([True, False])

    # get banyan mapping
    mapping = {}
    polarity = {}
    orig_result = cg.sat.solve(cl, {**{n: False for n in net_ins}, **key})
    for net_in in net_ins:
        result = cg.sat.solve(cl, {**{n: n == net_in for n in net_ins}, **key})
        for net_out in net_outs:
            if result[net_out] != orig_result[net_out]:
                mapping[net_in] = net_out
                polarity[net_in] = result[net_out]

    # connect banyan io to luts
    for i in range(int(bw / lw)):
        for j in range(lw):
            driver = cl.fanin(f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}").pop()
            cl.disconnect(driver, f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}")
            net_in = net_ins[i * lw + j]
            cl.connect(mapping[net_in], f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}")
            if not polarity[net_in]:
                driver = cl.add(f"not_{net_in}", "not", fanin=driver)
            cl.connect(driver, net_in)

    for k in key:
        cl.set_type(k, "input")

    if avoid_loops and cl.is_cyclic():
        raise ValueError("Locked circuit is cyclic")
    return cl, key
def full_lock_mux(c, bw, lw)

Locks a circuitgraph with a muxed-based model of Full-Lock.

Uses muxes instead of the Banyan network, a relaxation that breaks symmetry and simplifies the model substantially.

Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi Modeling Techniques for Logic Locking. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design 2020 (ICCAD-39).


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
banyan_width : int
Width of Banyan network to use, must follow bw = 2**n, n>1.
lut_width : int
Width to use for inserted LUTs, must evenly divide bw.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def full_lock_mux(c, bw, lw):
    Locks a circuitgraph with a muxed-based model of Full-Lock.

    Uses muxes instead of the Banyan network, a relaxation that breaks symmetry
    and simplifies the model substantially.

    Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi
    Modeling Techniques for Logic Locking. In Proceedings
    of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design 2020 (ICCAD-39).

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    banyan_width: int
            Width of Banyan network to use, must follow bw = 2**n, n>1.
    lut_width: int
            Width to use for inserted LUTs, must evenly divide bw.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # first generate banyan, to get a valid mapping for the key
    b = cg.Circuit()

    # generate switch
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m1")
    s.add("in_0", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_0", "m1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "buf", fanout=["m0_in_1", "m1_in_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "xor", fanin="m0_out")
    s.add("out_1", "xor", fanin="m1_out")
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m0_sel_0", "m1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_1", "input", fanout="out_0")
    s.add("key_2", "input", fanout="out_1")

    # generate banyan
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)

    # add switches
    for i in range(I * J):
        b.add_subcircuit(s, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}_in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}_out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan(b, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # get banyan io
    net_ins = swb_ins[:bw]
    net_outs = swb_outs[-bw:]

    # generate key
    key = {}
    for i in range(I * J):
        for j in range(3):
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_{j}"] = choice([True, False])

    # get banyan mapping
    mapping = {}
    polarity = {}
    orig_result = cg.sat.solve(b, {**{n: False for n in net_ins}, **key})
    for net_in in net_ins:
        result = cg.sat.solve(
            b, {**{n: False if n != net_in else True for n in net_ins}, **key}
        for net_out in net_outs:
            if result[net_out] != orig_result[net_out]:
                mapping[net_in] = net_out
                polarity[net_in] = result[net_out]

    # lock with luts
    cl, key = random_lut_lock(c, int(bw / lw), lw)

    # generate mux
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(bw))

    # add muxes and xors
    banyan_to_mux = {}
    for i in range(bw):
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"mux_{i}")
        for b in range(cg.utils.clog2(bw)):
            cl.add(f"key_{i}_{b}", "input", fanout=f"mux_{i}_sel_{b}")
        cl.add(f"mux_{i}_xor", "xor", fanin=f"mux_{i}_out")
        cl.add(f"key_{i}_{cg.utils.clog2(bw)}", "input", fanout=f"mux_{i}_xor")
        banyan_to_mux[net_outs[i]] = f"mux_{i}_xor"

    # connect muxes to luts
    for i in range(bw):
        net_in = net_ins[i]
        xor = banyan_to_mux[mapping[net_in]]
        o = int(xor.split("_")[1])

        driver = cl.fanin(f"lut_{i//lw}_sel_{i%lw}").pop()
        cl.disconnect(driver, f"lut_{i//lw}_sel_{i%lw}")

        if not polarity[net_in]:
            driver = cl.add(f"not_{net_in}", "not", fanin=driver)
            key[f"key_{o}_{cg.utils.clog2(bw)}"] = True
            key[f"key_{o}_{cg.utils.clog2(bw)}"] = False

        for b in range(bw):
            cl.connect(driver, f"mux_{b}_in_{i}")

        cl.connect(xor, f"lut_{i//lw}_sel_{i%lw}")
        for b, v in enumerate(cg.utils.int_to_bin(i, cg.utils.clog2(bw), True)):
            key[f"key_{o}_{b}"] = v

    return cl, key
def inter_lock(c, bw, reduced_swb=False)

Locks a circuitgraph with InterLock.

Kamali, Hadi Mardani, Kimia Zamiri Azar, Houman Homayoun, and Avesta Sasan. "Interlock: An intercorrelated logic and routing locking." In 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 1-9. IEEE, 2020.


circuit : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
bw : int
The size of the keyed rounting block. A bw of m results in an m x m sized KeyRB.
reduced_swb : bool
If True, each switchbox is reduced from 3 keys to 1 key due to the fact that for 100% utilization, the other 2 keys will never be used. Essentially, the muxes at the output of the switchbox are removed.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def inter_lock(c, bw, reduced_swb=False):
    Locks a circuitgraph with InterLock.

    Kamali, Hadi Mardani, Kimia Zamiri Azar, Houman Homayoun, and Avesta Sasan.
    "Interlock: An intercorrelated logic and routing locking."
    In 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD),
    pp. 1-9. IEEE, 2020.

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    bw: int
            The size of the keyed rounting block. A bw of m results
            in an m x m sized KeyRB.
    reduced_swb: bool
            If True, each switchbox is reduced from 3 keys to 1 key due to the fact
            that for 100% utilization, the other 2 keys will never be used. Essentially,
            the muxes at the output of the switchbox are removed.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    cl = c.copy()

    # generate switch
    m = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m, "m1")
    s.add("in_0", "input", fanout=["m0_in_0", "m1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "input", fanout=["m0_in_1", "m1_in_0"])
    s.add("ex_in_0", "input")
    s.add("ex_in_1", "input")
    # f1 and f2 starts as 'and' gates, must be updated later
    s.add("f1_out", "and", fanin=["m0_out", "ex_in_0"])
    s.add("f2_out", "and", fanin=["m1_out", "ex_in_1"])
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m0_sel_0", "m1_sel_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "buf", output=True)
    s.add("out_1", "buf", output=True)
    if not reduced_swb:
        s.add_subcircuit(m, "m2")
        s.add_subcircuit(m, "m3")
        s.add("key_1", "input", fanout="m2_sel_0")
        s.add("key_2", "input", fanout="m3_sel_0")
        s.connect("f1_out", "m2_in_0")
        s.connect("f2_out", "m3_in_1")
        s.connect("m0_out", "m3_in_0")
        s.connect("m1_out", "m2_in_1")
        s.connect("m2_out", "out_0")
        s.connect("m3_out", "out_1")
        s.connect("f1_out", "out_0")
        s.connect("f2_out", "out_1")

    sbb_inputs = ["in_0", "in_1", "ex_in_0", "ex_in_1", "key_0"]
    if not reduced_swb:
        sbb_inputs += ["key_1", "key_2"]
    sbb = cg.BlackBox("switch", sbb_inputs, ["out_0", "out_1"],)

    # Select paths to embed in the routing network
    path_length = 2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2
    paths = []

    filtered_gates = set()

    def filter_gate(n):
        gate = n
        gates = [n]
        for _ in range(path_length):
            if (
                len(cl.fanin(gate)) != 2
                or len(cl.fanout(gate)) != 1
                or cl.is_output(gate)
                or gate in filtered_gates
                or len(cl.fanin(gate) & filtered_gates) > 0
                or len(cl.fanout(gate) & filtered_gates) > 0
                return False
            gate = cl.fanout(gate).pop()
        for gate in gates:
        return True

    candidate_gates = filter(filter_gate, cl.nodes())
    for _ in range(bw):
            gate = next(candidate_gates)
        except StopIteration as e:
            raise ValueError("Not enough candidate gates found for locking") from e
        path = [gate]
        for _ in range(path_length - 1):
            gate = cl.fanout(gate).pop()

    # generate banyan with J rows and I columns of SwBs
    I = path_length
    J = int(bw / 2)

    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.add_blackbox(sbb, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}.in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}.out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan_bb(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # generate key
    # In the example from the paper, the paths in a SWB directly from an
    # input to an output are never used. Starting with that implemetation.
    # Could sometimes choose paths less than `path_length` and use these
    # connections with a decoy external input, but such a strategy is not
    # discussed in the paper.
    swaps = []
    key = {}
    for i in range(I * J):
        swaps.append(choice([True, False]))
        if swaps[-1]:
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_0"] = True
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_0"] = False
        if not reduced_swb:
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_1"] = False
            key[f"swb_{i}_key_2"] = True

    f_gates = {}

    # Add paths to banyan
    # Get a random intial ordering of paths
    input_order = list(range(bw))
    for i, p_idx in enumerate(input_order):
        path = paths[p_idx]
        swb_idx = i // 2
        i_idx = i % 2
        prev_node = cl.fanin(path[0]).pop()
        cl.connect(prev_node, f"swb_{swb_idx}.in_{i_idx}")
        for j, n in enumerate(path):
            o_idx = i_idx ^ int(swaps[swb_idx])
            ex_i = (cl.fanin(n) - {prev_node}).pop()
            cl.connect(ex_i, f"swb_{swb_idx}.ex_in_{o_idx}")
            f_gates[f"swb_{swb_idx}_f{o_idx+1}_out"] = cl.type(n)
            if j != len(path) - 1:
                next_n = cl.fanout(f"swb_{swb_idx}.out_{o_idx}").pop()
                next_n = cl.fanout(next_n).pop()
                swb_idx = int(next_n.split(".")[0].split("_")[-1])
                i_idx = int(next_n.split(".")[-1].split("_")[-1])
                prev_node = n
                for fo in cl.fanout(n):
                    cl.disconnect(n, fo)
                        conn = cl.fanout(f"swb_{swb_idx}.out_{o_idx}").pop()
                    except KeyError:
                        conn = cl.add(
                    cl.connect(conn, fo)

    for path in paths:
        for node in path:

    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.fill_blackbox(f"swb_{i}", s)

    for k, v in f_gates.items():
        cl.set_type(k, v)

    for k in key:
        cl.set_type(k, "input")

    return cl, key
def lebl(c, bw, ng)

Locks a circuitgraph with Logic-Enhanced Banyan Locking.

Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi Modeling Techniques for Logic Locking. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design 2020 (ICCAD-39).


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
bw : int
Width of Banyan network.
lw : int
Minimum number of gates mapped to network.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def lebl(c, bw, ng):
    Locks a circuitgraph with Logic-Enhanced Banyan Locking.

    Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi Modeling Techniques
    for Logic Locking. In Proceedings of the International Conference on
    Computer Aided Design 2020 (ICCAD-39).

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    bw: int
            Width of Banyan network.
    lw: int
            Minimum number of gates mapped to network.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # generate switch and mux
    s = cg.Circuit(name="switch")
    m2 = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(2))
    s.add_subcircuit(m2, "m2_0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m2, "m2_1")
    m4 = cg.tx.strip_io(cg.logic.mux(4))
    s.add_subcircuit(m4, "m4_0")
    s.add_subcircuit(m4, "m4_1")
    s.add("in_0", "buf", fanout=["m2_0_in_0", "m2_1_in_1"])
    s.add("in_1", "buf", fanout=["m2_0_in_1", "m2_1_in_0"])
    s.add("out_0", "buf", fanin="m4_0_out")
    s.add("out_1", "buf", fanin="m4_1_out")
    s.add("key_0", "input", fanout=["m2_0_sel_0", "m2_1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_1", "input", fanout=["m4_0_sel_0", "m4_1_sel_0"])
    s.add("key_2", "input", fanout=["m4_0_sel_1", "m4_1_sel_1"])

    # generate banyan
    I = int(2 * cg.utils.clog2(bw) - 2)
    J = int(bw / 2)

    # add switches and muxes
    for i in range(I * J):
        cl.add_subcircuit(s, f"swb_{i}")

    # make connections
    swb_ins = [f"swb_{i//2}_in_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    swb_outs = [f"swb_{i//2}_out_{i%2}" for i in range(I * J * 2)]
    _connect_banyan(cl, swb_ins, swb_outs, bw)

    # get banyan io
    net_ins = swb_ins[:bw]
    net_outs = swb_outs[-bw:]

    # generate key
    key = {f"swb_{i//3}_key_{i%3}": choice([True, False]) for i in range(3 * I * J)}

    # generate connections between banyan nodes
    bfi = {n: set() for n in swb_outs + net_ins}
    bfo = {n: set() for n in swb_outs + net_ins}
    for n in swb_outs + net_ins:
        if cl.fanout(n):
            fo_node = cl.fanout(n).pop()
            swb_i = fo_node.split("_")[1]

    # find a mapping of circuit onto banyan
    net_map = IDPool()
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        for cn in c:

    # mapping implications
    clauses = []
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        # fanin
        if bfi[bn]:
            for cn in c:
                if c.fanin(cn):
                    for fcn in c.fanin(cn):
                        clause = ["m_{bn}_{cn}")]
                        clause += ["m_{fbn}_{fcn}") for fbn in bfi[bn]]
                        clause += ["m_{fbn}_{cn}") for fbn in bfi[bn]]
                    clause = ["m_{bn}_{cn}")]
                    clause += ["m_{fbn}_{cn}") for fbn in bfi[bn]]

        # fanout
        if bfo[bn]:
            for cn in c:
                clause = ["m_{bn}_{cn}")]
                clause += ["m_{fbn}_{cn}") for fbn in bfo[bn]]
                for fcn in c.fanout(cn):
                    clause += ["m_{fbn}_{fcn}") for fbn in bfo[bn]]

    # no feed through
    for cn in c:"INPUT_OR_{cn}")"OUTPUT_OR_{cn}")
            + ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for bn in net_ins]
            + ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for bn in net_outs]
        for bn in net_ins:
        for bn in net_outs:

    # at least ngates
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:"NGATES_OR_{bn}")
            ["NGATES_OR_{bn}")] + ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for cn in c]
        for cn in c:
    clauses += CardEnc.atleast(
        lits=["NGATES_OR_{bn}") for bn in swb_outs + net_ins],

    # at most one mapping per out
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        clauses += CardEnc.atmost(
            lits=["m_{bn}_{cn}") for cn in c], vpool=net_map

    # limit number of times a gate is mapped to net outputs to fanout of gate
    for cn in c:
        lits = ["m_{bn}_{cn}") for bn in net_outs]
        bound = len(c.fanout(cn))
        if len(lits) < bound:
        clauses += CardEnc.atmost(bound=bound, lits=lits, vpool=net_map).clauses

    # prohibit outputs from net
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        for cn in c.outputs():
            clauses += [["m_{bn}_{cn}")]]

    # solve
    solver = Cadical(bootstrap_with=clauses)
    if not solver.solve():
        raise ValueError(f"No config for width '{bw}'")
    model = solver.get_model()

    # get mapping
    mapping = {}
    for bn in swb_outs + net_ins:
        selected_gates = [cn for cn in c if model["m_{bn}_{cn}") - 1] > 0]
        if len(selected_gates) > 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Multiple gates mapped to '{bn}'")
        mapping[bn] = selected_gates[0] if selected_gates else None

    potential_net_fanins = list(
        - (c.endpoints() | set(mapping.values()) | mapping.keys() | c.startpoints())

    # connect net inputs
    for bn in net_ins:
        if mapping[bn]:
            cl.connect(mapping[bn], bn)
            cl.connect(choice(potential_net_fanins), bn)
    mapping.update({cl.fanin(bn).pop(): cl.fanin(bn).pop() for bn in net_ins})
    potential_net_fanouts = list(
        - (c.startpoints() | set(mapping.values()) | mapping.keys() | c.endpoints())

    # selected_fo = {}

    # connect switch boxes
    for i, bn in enumerate(swb_outs):
        # get keys
        if key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 3
        elif not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 2
        elif key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 1
        elif not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_1"] and not key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_2"]:
            k = 0
        switch_key = 1 if key[f"swb_{i//2}_key_0"] == 1 else 0

        mux_input = f"swb_{i//2}_m4_{i%2}_in_{k}"

        # connect inner nodes
        mux_gate_types = set()

        # constant output, hookup to a node that is already in the affected outputs
        # fanin, not in others
        if not mapping[bn] and bn in net_outs:
            decoy_fanout_gate = choice(potential_net_fanouts)
            # selected_fo[bn] = decoy_fanout_gate
            if cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["and", "nand"]:
                cl.set_type(mux_input, "1")
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["or", "nor", "xor", "xnor"]:
                cl.set_type(mux_input, "0")
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["buf"]:
                if randint(0, 1):
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "1")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["and", "xnor"]))
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "0")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["or", "xor"]))
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["not"]:
                if randint(0, 1):
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "1")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["nand", "xor"]))
                    cl.set_type(mux_input, "0")
                    cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, choice(["nor", "xnor"]))
            elif cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate) in ["0", "1"]:
                cl.set_type(mux_input, cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate))
                cl.set_type(decoy_fanout_gate, "buf")
                raise ValueError(f"Invalid gate type '{cl.type(decoy_fanout_gate)}'")
            cl.connect(bn, decoy_fanout_gate)

        # feedthrough
        elif mapping[bn] in [mapping[fbn] for fbn in bfi[bn]]:
            cl.set_type(mux_input, "buf")
            if mapping[cl.fanin(f"swb_{i//2}_in_0").pop()] == mapping[bn]:
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{switch_key}_out", mux_input)
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{1-switch_key}_out", mux_input)

        # gate
        elif mapping[bn]:
            cl.set_type(mux_input, cl.type(mapping[bn]))
            gfi = cl.fanin(mapping[bn])
            if mapping[cl.fanin(f"swb_{i//2}_in_0").pop()] in gfi:
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{switch_key}_out", mux_input)
            if mapping[cl.fanin(f"swb_{i//2}_in_1").pop()] in gfi:
                cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{1-switch_key}_out", mux_input)

        # mapped to None, any key works
            k = None

        # fill out random gates
        for j in range(4):
            if j != k:
                t = choice(
                        - mux_gate_types
                mux_input = f"swb_{i//2}_m4_{i%2}_in_{j}"
                cl.set_type(mux_input, t)
                if t in ("not", "buf"):
                    # pick a random fanin
                    cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_{randint(0,1)}_out", mux_input)
                elif t in ("0", "1"):
                    cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_0_out", mux_input)
                    cl.connect(f"swb_{i//2}_m2_1_out", mux_input)

    # connect outputs non constant outs
    rev_mapping = {}
    for bn in net_outs:
        if mapping[bn]:
            if mapping[bn] not in rev_mapping:
                rev_mapping[mapping[bn]] = set()

    for cn, val in rev_mapping.items():
        for fcn, bn in zip_longest(cl.fanout(cn), val, fillvalue=list(val)[0]):
            cl.connect(bn, fcn)

    # delete mapped gates
    deleted = True
    while deleted:
        deleted = False
        for n in cl.nodes():
            # node and all fanout are in the net
            if n not in mapping and n in mapping.values():
                if all(
                    s not in mapping and s in mapping.values() for s in cl.fanout(n)
                    deleted = True
            # node in net fanout
            if n in [mapping[o] for o in net_outs] and n in cl:
                deleted = True

    for k in key:
        cl.set_type(k, "input")

    return cl, key
def lut_lock(c, num_gates, count_keys=False, skip_fi1=True, rank_by_shared_fanin=False, key_prefix='key_')

Locks a circuitgraph with NB2-MO-HSC LUT-lock.

H. Mardani Kamali, K. Zamiri Azar, K. Gaj, H. Homayoun and A. Sasan, "LUT-Lock: A Novel LUT-Based Logic Obfuscation for FPGA-Bitstream and ASIC-Hardware Protection," 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, 2018, pp. 405-410.


circuit : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
num_gates : int
The number of gates to lock.
count_keys : bool
If true, continue locking until at least num_gates keys are added instead of num_gates gates.
skip_fi1 : int
If True, nodes with a fanin of 1 (i.e. buf or inv) will not be considered for locking.
rank_by_shared_fanin : bool
If True, the output with the least shared fanin with other outputs will be selected for locking first. By default, the output with the least amount of total fanin is selected for locking first.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input


if there are not enough viable gates to lock.
Expand source code
def lut_lock(
    Locks a circuitgraph with NB2-MO-HSC LUT-lock.

    H. Mardani Kamali, K. Zamiri Azar, K. Gaj, H. Homayoun and A. Sasan,
    "LUT-Lock: A Novel LUT-Based Logic Obfuscation for FPGA-Bitstream and
    ASIC-Hardware Protection," 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on
    VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, 2018, pp. 405-410.

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    num_gates: int
            The number of gates to lock.
    count_keys: bool
            If true, continue locking until at least `num_gates` keys are
            added instead of `num_gates` gates.
    skip_fi1: int
            If True, nodes with a fanin of 1 (i.e. buf or inv) will not
            be considered for locking.
    rank_by_shared_fanin: bool
            If True, the output with the least shared fanin with other outputs
            will be selected for locking first. By default, the output with
            the least amount of total fanin is selected for locking first.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

            if there are not enough viable gates to lock.

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    def calc_skew(gate, cl):
        d = {False: 0, True: 0}
        fanin = list(cl.fanin(gate))

        # create subcircuit containing just gate for simulation
        simc = cg.Circuit()
        for i in fanin:
            simc.add(i, "input")
        simc.add(gate, cl.type(gate), fanin=fanin)

        # simulate
        for i, vs in enumerate(product([False, True], repeat=len(fanin))):
            assumptions = dict(zip(fanin, vs[::-1]))
            result = cg.sat.solve(simc, assumptions)
            if not result:
                d[False] += 1
                d[result[gate]] += 1
        num_combos = 2 ** len(fanin)
        return abs(d[False] / num_combos - d[True] / num_combos)

    def replace_lut(gate, cl):
        key = {}
        m = cg.logic.mux(2 ** len(cl.fanin(gate)))
        fanout = list(cl.fanout(gate))
        fanin = list(cl.fanin(gate))

        # create LUT
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"lut_{gate}")

        # create subcircuit containing just gate for simulation
        simc = cg.Circuit()
        for i in fanin:
            simc.add(i, "input")
        simc.add(gate, cl.type(gate), fanin=fanin)

        # connect keys
        for i, vs in enumerate(product([False, True], repeat=len(fanin))):
            assumptions = dict(zip(fanin, vs[::-1]))
            cl.add(f"{key_prefix}{gate}_{i}", "input", fanout=f"lut_{gate}_in_{i}")
            result = cg.sat.solve(simc, assumptions)
            if not result:
                key[f"{key_prefix}{gate}_{i}"] = False
                key[f"{key_prefix}{gate}_{i}"] = result[gate]

        # connect out
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.connect(f"lut_{gate}_out", fanout)

        # connect sel
        for i, f in enumerate(fanin):
            cl.connect(f, f"lut_{gate}_sel_{i}")

        # delete gate
        return key, [f"lut_{gate}_{n}" for n in m.nodes()], f"lut_{gate}_out"

    def continue_locking(locked_gates, num_gates, keys, count_keys):
        if count_keys:
            return len(keys) < num_gates
        return locked_gates < num_gates

    locked_gates = 0
    outputs = list(cl.outputs())
    if rank_by_shared_fanin:

        def rank_output(x):
            other_outputs = [o for o in outputs if o != x]
            other_fanin = cl.transitive_fanin(other_outputs)
            curr_fanin = cl.transitive_fanin(x)
            return len(curr_fanin & other_fanin)


        def rank_output(x):
            return len(cl.transitive_fanin(x))

    candidates = []
    forbidden_nodes = set()
    keys = {}
    while continue_locking(locked_gates, num_gates, keys, count_keys):
        if not candidates:
            outputs = [o for o in outputs if o not in forbidden_nodes]
            except IndexError as e:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Ran out of candidate gates at " f"{locked_gates} gates."
                ) from e
            candidate = candidates.pop(0)
            candidate_is_output = cl.is_output(candidate)
            children = cl.fanin(candidate)
            if candidate in forbidden_nodes:
                candidates += [g for g in children if g not in forbidden_nodes]
            if len(children) == 0:
            if skip_fi1 and len(children) == 1:
                child = children.pop()
                if child not in forbidden_nodes | set(candidates):
                    candidates.insert(0, child)
            key, nodes, output_to_relabel = replace_lut(candidate, cl)
            cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {output_to_relabel: candidate})
            if candidate_is_output:
            for g1 in children:
                for g2 in cl.fanin(g1):
                    if g2 not in forbidden_nodes | set(candidates):
            # Sort by least number of outputs in fanout cone, then most skew
                key=lambda x: (
                    len(cl.transitive_fanout(x) & cl.outputs()),
                    -calc_skew(x, cl),
            locked_gates += 1

    return cl, keys
def mux_lock(c, keylen, avoid_loops=False, key_prefix='key_')

Locks a circuitgraph with a mux lock.

J. Rajendran et al., "Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption," in IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 410-424, Feb. 2015, doi: 10.1109/TC.2013.193.

Note that a random mux selection is used, not fault-based.


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
keylen : int
the number of bits in the key.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def mux_lock(c, keylen, avoid_loops=False, key_prefix="key_"):
    Locks a circuitgraph with a mux lock.

    J. Rajendran et al., "Fault Analysis-Based Logic Encryption," in IEEE
    Transactions on Computers, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 410-424, Feb. 2015,
    doi: 10.1109/TC.2013.193.

    Note that a random mux selection is used, not fault-based.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    keylen: int
            the number of bits in the key.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # get 2:1 mux
    m = cg.logic.mux(2)

    # randomly select gates
    gates = sample(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), keylen)
    if avoid_loops:
        decoy_gates = set()
        decoy_gates = sample(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), keylen)

    # insert key gates
    key = {}
    for i, gate in enumerate(gates):
        # select random key value
        key_val = choice([True, False])

        if avoid_loops:
            decoy_gate = choice(
                    - set(gates)
                    - cl.transitive_fanout(gate)
                    - decoy_gates
            decoy_gate = decoy_gates[i]

        # create and connect mux
        fanout = cl.fanout(gate)
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"mux_{i}")
        cl.connect(f"mux_{i}_out", fanout)
        key_in = cl.add(f"{key_prefix}{i}", "input", fanout=f"mux_{i}_sel_0", uid=True)
        key[key_in] = key_val
        if key_val:
            cl.connect(gate, f"mux_{i}_in_1")
            cl.connect(decoy_gate, f"mux_{i}_in_0")
            cl.connect(gate, f"mux_{i}_in_0")
            cl.connect(decoy_gate, f"mux_{i}_in_1")

    if avoid_loops and cl.is_cyclic():
        raise ValueError("Locked circuit is cyclic")
    return cl, key
def random_lut_lock(c, num_gates, lut_width, gates=None)

Locks a circuitgraph by replacing random gates with LUTs.

This is kind of like applying LUT-lock with no replacement strategy. (H. Mardani Kamali, K. Zamiri Azar, K. Gaj, H. Homayoun and A. Sasan, "LUT-Lock: A Novel LUT-Based Logic Obfuscation for FPGA-Bitstream and ASIC-Hardware Protection," 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, 2018, pp. 405-410.)


circuit : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
num_gates : int
the number of gates to lock.
lut_width : int
LUT width, defines maximum fanin of locked gates.
gates : list of str
The gates to lock. If not provided, will be randomly sampled


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def random_lut_lock(c, num_gates, lut_width, gates=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph by replacing random gates with LUTs.

    This is kind of like applying LUT-lock with no replacement strategy.
    (H. Mardani Kamali, K. Zamiri Azar, K. Gaj, H. Homayoun and A. Sasan,
    "LUT-Lock: A Novel LUT-Based Logic Obfuscation for FPGA-Bitstream and
    ASIC-Hardware Protection," 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on
    VLSI (ISVLSI), Hong Kong, 2018, pp. 405-410.)

    circuit: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    num_gates: int
            the number of gates to lock.
    lut_width: int
            LUT width, defines maximum fanin of locked gates.
    gates: list of str
            The gates to lock. If not provided, will be randomly sampled

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # parse mux
    m = cg.logic.mux(2 ** lut_width)

    # randomly select gates
    potential_gates = {g for g in cl.nodes() - if len(cl.fanin(g)) <= lut_width}
    if gates:
        if len(gates) != num_gates:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Got 'num_gates' of {num_gates} but length of "
                f"'gates' is {len(gates)}"
        if any(len(cl.fanin(g)) > lut_width for g in gates):
            raise ValueError("cannot lock a gate with fanin greater than " "lut_width")
        if any(g in for g in gates):
            raise ValueError("cannot lock an input/output gate")
        gates = sample(tuple(potential_gates), num_gates)
    potential_gates -= set(gates)
    potential_gates -= cl.transitive_fanout(gates)

    # insert key gates
    key = {}
    for i, gate in enumerate(gates):

        fanout = list(cl.fanout(gate))
        fanin = list(cl.fanin(gate))
            padding = sample(
                tuple(potential_gates - cl.fanin(gate)), lut_width - len(fanin)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise ValueError("Could not find enough viable gates for padding") from e

        # create LUT
        cl.add_subcircuit(m, f"lut_{i}")

        # connect keys
        for j, vs in enumerate(product([False, True], repeat=len(fanin + padding))):
            assumptions = {
                s: v for s, v in zip(fanin + padding, vs[::-1]) if s in fanin
            key_in = cl.add(
                f"key_{i*2**lut_width+j}", "input", fanout=f"lut_{i}_in_{j}", uid=True
            result = cg.sat.solve(c, assumptions)
            if not result:
                key[key_in] = False
                key[key_in] = result[gate]

        # connect out
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.connect(f"lut_{i}_out", fanout)

        # connect sel
        for j, f in enumerate(fanin + padding):
            cl.connect(f, f"lut_{i}_sel_{j}")

        # delete gate
        cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {f"lut_{i}_out": gate})

    return cl, key
def sfll_flex(c, width, n, target_output=None)

Locks a circuitgraph with SFLL-flex.

Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure SAT attack resiliance.

Muhammad Yasin, Abhrajit Sengupta, Mohammed Thari Nabeel, Mohammed Ashraf, Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran, and Ozgur Sinanoglu. 2017. Provably-Secure Logic Locking: From Theory To Practice. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1601–1618.


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
width : int
the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
n : int
number of input patterns to lock.
target_output : str
If defined, this output will be the one which is locked. Otherwise, a random output will be locked.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def sfll_flex(c, width, n, target_output=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with SFLL-flex.

    Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not
    functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted
    response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation
    vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure
    SAT attack resiliance.

    Muhammad Yasin, Abhrajit Sengupta, Mohammed Thari Nabeel,
    Mohammed Ashraf, Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran, and Ozgur Sinanoglu. 2017.
    Provably-Secure Logic Locking: From Theory To Practice. In Proceedings of
    the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security.
    Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1601–1618.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
    n: int
            number of input patterns to lock.
    target_output: str
            If defined, this output will be the one which is locked.
            Otherwise, a random output will be locked.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    if not target_output:
        target_output = random.choice(list(cl.outputs()))

    # get inputs to lock
    target_inputs = cl.startpoints(target_output)
    if len(target_inputs) < width:
        target_inputs |= set(
            random.sample(list(cl.inputs() - target_inputs), width - len(target_inputs))
    target_inputs = list(target_inputs)

    # create key
    key = {f"key_{i}": choice([True, False]) for i in range(width * n)}

    # connect comparators
    cl.add("flip_out", "or")
    cl.add("restore_out", "or")

    for j in range(n):
        cl.add(f"flip_and_{j}", "and", fanout="flip_out")
        cl.add(f"restore_and_{j}", "and", fanout="restore_out")

    for i, inp in enumerate(random.sample(target_inputs, width)):
        for j in range(n):
            cl.add(f"key_{i+j*width}", "input")
            cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}_{j}", "1" if key[f"key_{i+j*width}"] else "0")
                fanin=[f"key_{i+j*width}", inp],
                fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}_{j}", inp],

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{target_output}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {target_output: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
        target_output, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True

    return cl, key
def sfll_hd(c, width, hd, target_output=None)

Locks a circuitgraph with SFLL-HD.

Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure SAT attack resiliance.

Muhammad Yasin, Abhrajit Sengupta, Mohammed Thari Nabeel, Mohammed Ashraf, Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran, and Ozgur Sinanoglu. 2017. Provably-Secure Logic Locking: From Theory To Practice. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1601–1618.


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
width : int
key width, also the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
hd : int
the hamming distance to lock with, as explained in the paper.
target_output : str
If defined, this output will be the one which is locked. Otherwise, a random output will be locked.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def sfll_hd(c, width, hd, target_output=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with SFLL-HD.

    Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not
    functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted
    response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation
    vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure
    SAT attack resiliance.

    Muhammad Yasin, Abhrajit Sengupta, Mohammed Thari Nabeel, Mohammed Ashraf,
    Jeyavijayan (JV) Rajendran, and Ozgur Sinanoglu. 2017. Provably-Secure
    Logic Locking: From Theory To Practice. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM
    SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’17).
    Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1601–1618.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            key width, also the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
    hd: int
            the hamming distance to lock with, as explained in the paper.
    target_output: str
            If defined, this output will be the one which is locked.
            Otherwise, a random output will be locked.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # parse popcount
    p = cg.logic.popcount(width)

    if len(c.inputs()) < width:
        raise ValueError(f"Not enough inputs to lock with width '{width}'")

    if not target_output:
        target_output = random.choice(list(cl.outputs()))

    # get inputs to lock
    target_inputs = cl.startpoints(target_output)
    if len(target_inputs) < width:
        target_inputs |= set(
            random.sample(list(cl.inputs() - target_inputs), width - len(target_inputs))
    target_inputs = list(target_inputs)

    # create key
    key = {f"key_{i}": random.choice([True, False]) for i in range(width)}

    # instantiate and connect hd circuits
    cl.add_subcircuit(p, "flip_pop")
    cl.add_subcircuit(p, "restore_pop")

    # connect inputs
    for i, inp in enumerate(random.sample(target_inputs, width)):
        cl.add(f"key_{i}", "input")
        cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}", "1" if key[f"key_{i}"] else "0")
        cl.add(f"restore_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"key_{i}", inp])
        cl.add(f"flip_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}", inp])
        cl.connect(f"flip_xor_{i}", f"flip_pop_in_{i}")
        cl.connect(f"restore_xor_{i}", f"restore_pop_in_{i}")

    # connect outputs
    cl.add("flip_out", "and")
    cl.add("restore_out", "and")
    for i, v in enumerate(format(hd, f"0{cg.utils.clog2(width)+1}b")[::-1]):
        cl.add(f"hd_{i}", v)
            fanin=[f"hd_{i}", f"restore_pop_out_{i}"],
            fanin=[f"hd_{i}", f"flip_pop_out_{i}"],

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{target_output}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {target_output: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
        target_output, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True

    return cl, key
def trll(c, keylen, s1_s2_ratio=1, shuffle_key=True, seed=None)

Locks a circuitgraph with Truly Random Logic Locking.

Limaye, E. Kalligeros, N. Karousos, I. G. Karybali and O. Sinanoglu, "Thwarting All Logic Locking Attacks: Dishonest Oracle With Truly Random Logic Locking," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1740-1753, Sept. 2021.


c : circuitgraph.Circuit
The circuit to lock.
keylen : int
The number of key bits to add.
s1_s2_ratio : int or str
The ratio between number of key gate locations locked where an inverter exists in the original design (s1) or where an inverter does not exist in the original design (s2). The paper leaves this value at 1 (meaning s1=s2=keylen/2), but they note that this could be adjusted based on the ratio of the locations where there is an inverter in the original netlist. Setting this parameter to the string "infer" will do this adjustment. I.e. s1 = keylenr, s2 = keylen(1-r), where r is the number of inverters in the circuit divided by the total number of gates.
shuffle_key : bool
By default, the key input labels are shuffled at the end of the algorithm so the labelling does not reveal which portion of the algorithm the key input was added during.
seed : int
Seed for the random selection of gates and shuffling of the key.


circuitgraph.Circuit, dict of str:bool
The locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input.
Expand source code
def trll(c, keylen, s1_s2_ratio=1, shuffle_key=True, seed=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with Truly Random Logic Locking.

    Limaye, E. Kalligeros, N. Karousos, I. G. Karybali and O. Sinanoglu,
    "Thwarting All Logic Locking Attacks: Dishonest Oracle With Truly Random
    Logic Locking," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
    Circuits and Systems, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1740-1753, Sept. 2021.

    c: circuitgraph.Circuit
            The circuit to lock.
    keylen: int
            The number of key bits to add.
    s1_s2_ratio: int or str
            The ratio between number of key gate locations locked where an
            inverter exists in the original design (s1) or where an inverter
            does not exist in the original design (s2). The paper leaves this
            value at 1 (meaning s1=s2=keylen/2), but they note that this
            could be adjusted based on the ratio of the locations where there
            is an inverter in the original netlist. Setting this parameter
            to the string "infer" will do this adjustment. I.e.
            s1 = keylen*r, s2 = keylen*(1-r), where r is the number of
            inverters in the circuit divided by the total number of gates.
    shuffle_key: bool
            By default, the key input labels are shuffled at the end of the
            algorithm so the labelling does not reveal which portion of the
            algorithm the key input was added during.
    seed: int
            Seed for the random selection of gates and shuffling of the key.

    circuitgraph.Circuit, dict of str:bool
            The locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input.

    rng = random.Random(seed)

    cl = c.copy()

    if keylen % 2 != 0:
        raise NotImplementedError
    if s1_s2_ratio == "infer":
        raise NotImplementedError

    s1 = int((keylen // 2) * s1_s2_ratio)
    if s1 > keylen:
        raise ValueError(f"Unusable s1_s2_ratio: {s1_s2_ratio}")
    s2 = keylen - s1

    s1a = rng.randint(0, s1)
    s1b = s1 - s1a

    s2a = rng.randint(0, s2)
    s2b = s2 - s2a

    inv_gates = list(c.filter_type("not"))
    rem_gates = list(
        - c.filter_type(("not", "bb_input", "bb_output", "0", "1", "x"))

    j = 0
    k = {}
    # Replace existing inv_gates with XOR key-gates
    for _ in range(s1a):
        sel_gate = inv_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = True
        cl.set_type(sel_gate, "xor")
        cl.connect(ki, sel_gate)
        j += 1

    # Add XOR key-gates before existing inv_gates
    for _ in range(s1b):
        sel_gate = inv_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = False
        inv_fanin = cl.fanin(sel_gate)
        assert len(inv_fanin) == 1
        cl.disconnect(inv_fanin, sel_gate)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{j}", "xor", fanin=inv_fanin | {ki}, fanout=sel_gate)
        j += 1

    # Add XOR key-gates and INV gates after existing rem_gates
    for _ in range(s2a):
        sel_gate = rem_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = True
        sel_fanout = cl.fanout(sel_gate)
        cl.disconnect(sel_gate, sel_fanout)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{j}", "xor", fanin=(sel_gate, ki))
        cl.add(f"key_inv_{j}", "not", fanin=f"key_gate_{j}", fanout=sel_fanout)
        j += 1

    # Add XOR key-gates after existing rem_gates
    for _ in range(s2b):
        sel_gate = rem_gates.pop()
        ki = f"key_{j}"
        cl.add(ki, "input")
        k[ki] = False
        sel_fanout = cl.fanout(sel_gate)
        cl.disconnect(sel_gate, sel_fanout)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{j}", "xor", fanin=(sel_gate, ki), fanout=sel_fanout)
        j += 1

    # Shuffle keys
    if shuffle_key:
        new_order = list(range(keylen))
        shuffled_k = {}
        intermediate_mapping = {}
        final_mapping = {}
        for old_idx, new_idx in enumerate(new_order):
            shuffled_k[f"key_{new_idx}"] = k[f"key_{old_idx}"]
            intermediate_mapping[f"key_{old_idx}"] = f"key_{old_idx}_temp"
            final_mapping[f"key_{old_idx}_temp"] = f"key_{new_idx}"
        return cl, shuffled_k
    return cl, k
def tt_lock(c, width, target_output=None)

Locks a circuitgraph with TTLock.

Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure SAT attack resiliance.

M. Yasin, A. Sengupta, B. Schafer, Y. Makris, O. Sinanoglu, and J. Rajendran, “What to Lock?: Functional and Parametric Locking,” in Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pp. 351–356, 2017.


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
width : int
the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
target_output : str
If defined, this output will be the one which is locked. Otherwise, a random output will be locked.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def tt_lock(c, width, target_output=None):
    Locks a circuitgraph with TTLock.

    Note that in this implementation the original circuit is not
    functionally stripped, meaning that it does not produce an inverted
    response for the protected input pattern. This makes this implementation
    vulnurable to removal attacks. However, it can still be used to measure
    SAT attack resiliance.

    M. Yasin, A. Sengupta, B. Schafer, Y. Makris, O. Sinanoglu, and
    J. Rajendran, “What to Lock?: Functional and Parametric Locking,”
    in Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pp. 351–356, 2017.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.
    target_output: str
            If defined, this output will be the one which is locked.
            Otherwise, a random output will be locked.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    if len(c.inputs()) < width:
        raise ValueError(f"Not enough inputs to lock with width '{width}'")

    if not target_output:
        target_output = random.choice(list(cl.outputs()))

    # get inputs to lock
    target_inputs = cl.startpoints(target_output)
    if len(target_inputs) < width:
        target_inputs |= set(
            random.sample(list(cl.inputs() - target_inputs), width - len(target_inputs))
    target_inputs = list(target_inputs)

    # create key
    key = {f"key_{i}": random.choice([True, False]) for i in range(width)}

    # connect comparators
    cl.add("flip_out", "and")
    cl.add("restore_out", "and")
    for i, inp in enumerate(random.sample(target_inputs, width)):
        cl.add(f"key_{i}", "input")
        cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}", "1" if key[f"key_{i}"] else "0")
        cl.add(f"restore_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"key_{i}", inp], fanout="restore_out")
            f"flip_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}", inp], fanout="flip_out"

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{target_output}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {target_output: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
        target_output, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True

    return cl, key
def tt_lock_sen(c, width, nsamples=10)

Locks a circuitgraph with TTLock-Sen.

Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi, “Sensitivity Analysis of Locked Circuits,” in Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR-23), pp. 483-497. EPiC Series in Computing 73, EasyChair.


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
width : int
the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def tt_lock_sen(c, width, nsamples=10):
    Locks a circuitgraph with TTLock-Sen.

    Joseph Sweeney, Marijn J.H. Heule, and Lawrence Pileggi,
    “Sensitivity Analysis of Locked Circuits,” in
    Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
    (LPAR-23), pp. 483-497. EPiC Series in Computing 73, EasyChair.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    width: int
            the minimum fanin of the gates to lock.

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # find output with large enough fanin
    potential_outs = [o for o in cl.outputs() if len(cl.startpoints(o)) >= width]
    if not potential_outs:
        raise ValueError(f"Not enough inputs to lock with width '{width}'")

    # find average sensitivities
    A = {}
    N = {}
    S = {}
    for o in potential_outs:
        # build sensitivity circuit
        s = cg.tx.sensitivity_transform(c, o)
        startpoints = c.startpoints(o)
        s_out = {o for o in s.outputs() if "difference" in o}

        # est avg sensitivity
        total = 0
        for i in range(nsamples):
            input_val = {i: randint(0, 1) for i in startpoints}
            model = cg.sat.solve(s, input_val)
            sen = sum(model[o] for o in s_out)
            total += sen
        A[o] = int(total / nsamples)
        N[o] = len(startpoints)
        S[o] = s

    # find output + input value with closest to avg sen
    def find_input():
        b = 0
        while b < max(N.values()):
            for o in potential_outs:
                upper = min(N[o], int(N[o] - A[o] + b))
                lower = max(0, int(N[o] - A[o] - b))
                us = cg.utils.int_to_bin(upper, cg.utils.clog2(N[o]))
                ls = cg.utils.int_to_bin(lower, cg.utils.clog2(N[o]))
                for sv in [us, ls]:
                    model = cg.sat.solve(
                        S[o], {f"sen_out_{i}": v for i, v in enumerate(sv)}
                    if model:
                        out = o
                        startpoints = c.startpoints(o)

                        key = {f"key_{i}": model[n] for i, n in enumerate(startpoints)}
                        return key, startpoints, out
            b += 1

    key, startpoints, out = find_input()

    # connect comparators
    cl.add("flip_out", "and")
    cl.add("restore_out", "and")
    for i, inp in enumerate(startpoints):
        cl.add(f"key_{i}", "input")
        cl.add(f"hardcoded_key_{i}", "1" if key[f"key_{i}"] else "0")
        cl.add(f"restore_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"key_{i}", inp], fanout="restore_out")
            f"flip_xor_{i}", "xor", fanin=[f"hardcoded_key_{i}", inp], fanout="flip_out"

    # flip output
    old_out = cl.uid(f"{out}_pre_lock")
    cl = cg.tx.relabel(cl, {out: old_out})
    cl.set_output(old_out, False)
    cl.add(out, "xor", fanin=[old_out, "restore_out", "flip_out"], output=True)

    return cl, key
def xor_lock(c, keylen, key_prefix='key_', replacement=False)

Locks a circuitgraph with a random xor lock.

J. A. Roy, F. Koushanfar and I. L. Markov, "Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits," in Computer, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 30-38, Oct. 2010.


c : circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
Circuit to lock.
keylen : int
the number of bits in the key
replacement : bool
If True, the same line can be locked twice (resulting in a chain of key gates)


circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input
Expand source code
def xor_lock(c, keylen, key_prefix="key_", replacement=False):
    Locks a circuitgraph with a random xor lock.

    J. A. Roy, F. Koushanfar and I. L. Markov, "Ending Piracy of Integrated
    Circuits," in Computer, vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 30-38, Oct. 2010.

    c: circuitgraph.CircuitGraph
            Circuit to lock.
    keylen: int
            the number of bits in the key
    replacement: bool
            If True, the same line can be locked twice (resulting in a chain
            of key gates)

    circuitgraph.CircuitGraph, dict of str:bool
            the locked circuit and the correct key value for each key input

    # create copy to lock
    cl = c.copy()

    # randomly select gates to lock
    if replacement:
        gates = choices(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), k=keylen)
        gates = sample(tuple(cl.nodes() - cl.outputs()), keylen)

    # insert key gates
    key = {}
    for i, gate in enumerate(gates):
        # select random key value
        key[f"{key_prefix}{i}"] = choice([True, False])

        # create xor/xnor,input
        gate_type = "xnor" if key[f"{key_prefix}{i}"] else "xor"
        fanout = cl.fanout(gate)
        cl.disconnect(gate, fanout)
        cl.add(f"key_gate_{i}", gate_type, fanin=gate, fanout=fanout)
        cl.add(f"{key_prefix}{i}", "input", fanout=f"key_gate_{i}")

    return cl, key